
FlexSheet Unbound

FlexSheet can be used in unbound mode to create any type of Spreadsheet. You can define cell contents or allow end users to enter their own.

  1. Add a FlexSheet control to the page.
  2. Add a Sheet to the FlexSheet.

In this example, we also loop through the rows and add the row index into each cell.

import * as wjFlexSheet from '@grapecity/wijmo.grid.sheet';

let unboundSheet = new wjFlexSheet.FlexSheet('#unboundSheet');
unboundSheet.addUnboundSheet('unbound', 20, 10);
unboundSheet.deferUpdate(() => {
    for (let row = 0; row < unboundSheet.rows.length; row++) {
        for (let col = 0; col < unboundSheet.columns.length; col++) {
            unboundSheet.setCellData(row, col, row + col);