

The CollectionViewNavigator control can be used in conjunction with the CollectionView control to allow users to easily navigate items in the CollectionView, either by page or by item.

When creating a CollectionViewNavigator, there will be three properties that you will need to set:

  • cv: Sets the CollectionView that will be tied to the CollectionViewNavigator.
  • byPage: Boolean property that determines whether the CollectionViewNavigator will allow users to navigate by page or by item.
  • headerFormat: Sets the text displayed in the CollectionViewNavigator.

To navigate by items in the CollectionView, you'll need to tie your CollectionViewNavigator to your CollectionView, and set the byPage property to false:

let view = new CollectionView(getData(), {});

new CollectionViewNavigator('#cv-nav', {
    cv: view,
    byPage: false,
    headerFormat: 'Item {currentItem:n0} of {itemCount:n0}'

new FlexGrid('#cv-grid', {
    itemsSource: view,
    selectionMode: 'RowRange',
    showMarquee: true

Wijmo CollectionViewNavigator By Item

To navigate by pages in the CollectionView, you'll need to tie your CollectionViewNavigator to your CollectionView, and set the byPage property to true:

let view = new CollectionView(getData(), {
    pageSize: 5

new CollectionViewNavigator('#cv-page', {
    cv: view,
    byPage: true,
    headerFormat: 'Page {current:n0} of {count:n0}'

new FlexGrid('#cv-grid', {
    itemsSource: view,
    selectionMode: 'RowRange',
    showMarquee: true

Wijmo CollectionViewNavigator By Item