The dataLabels property allows you to show labels next to each data point on the chart.
To use it, set the following properties on the dataLabels object:
FlexChart Example:
import * as wjChart from '@grapecity/wijmo.chart';
var myChart = new wjChart.FlexChart('#myChart');
myChart.dataLabel.content = '{value:n0}';
myChart.dataLabel.position = 'Top'; // Top, Left, Right, Center, Bottom, None
myChart.dataLabel.connectingLine = true;
myChart.dataLabel.border = true;
myChart.dataLabel.offset = 10;
When the label content is a string, it can contain any of the following placeholders:
The parameter must be enclosed in curly brackets, for example 'x={x}, y={y}'. Additionally, bound field names can be included like '{country}' and '{item.otherData}'.
// Create a chart and show y data in labels positioned above the data point.
var myChart = new wjChart.FlexChart('#myChart');
itemsSource: data,
bindingX: 'country',
series: [
{ name: 'Sales', binding: 'sales' },
{ name: 'Expenses', binding: 'expenses' },
{ name: 'Downloads', binding: 'downloads' }],
myChart.dataLabel.position = 'Top';
myChart.dataLabel.content = '{country} {seriesName}:{y}';
For a more complex data label layout, that can include mixed formatting, use additional tspan elements within the content. The following example applies bold to some text and changed color of value.
myChart.dataLabel.content =
'<tspan font-weight="bold">{country}</tspan>' +
'<tspan fill="red">:{value:n0}</tspan>';
The content can also be specified as a function that takes a HitTestInfo object as a parameter. The next example shows how to set data label content using a function.
// Set the data label content
myChart.dataLabel.content = function (ht) {
return + ":" + ht.value.toFixed();
Data labels work the same for FlexPie as FlexChart and FlexRadar, however the available positions are unique for a radial pie chart.
FlexPie Data Label Positions:
FlexPie data label example:
var myChart = new wjChart.FlexPie('#myChart');
myChart.dataLabel.content = '{value:n0}';
myChart.dataLabel.position = 'Outside';
myChart.dataLabel.connectingLine = true;
myChart.dataLabel.border = true;
myChart.dataLabel.offset = 10;
The data label content can also be customized within the rendering event. The data label rendering event args cancel property can be used to cancel the rendering for a particular data point, and the text property can be used to conditionally set the data label content.
// custom render labels only for the "downloads" series
myChart.dataLabel.rendering = function(s, e) {
if (downloadsOnly && e.hitTestInfo.series.binding != 'downloads') {
e.cancel = true;
e.text = 'nanana';