
Unbound TreeGrid

If you prefer to work in unbound mode, you can still build trees by adding rows and columns in code.

Start with a datasource in an array. Initialize the FlexGrid, but don't bind it to the array.

import * as wjGrid from '@grapecity/wijmo.grid';

    // workers tree data (heterogeneous collection)
  var workers = [{
    name: 'Jack Smith',
    checks: [{
      name: 'check1',
      earnings: [
          { name: 'hourly', hours: 30.0, rate: 15.0 },
        { name: 'overtime', hours: 10.0, rate: 20.0 },
        { name: 'bonus', hours: 5.0, rate: 30.0}
    }, {
      name: 'check2',
      earnings: [
          { name: 'hourly', hours: 20.0, rate: 18.0 },
        { name: 'overtime', hours: 20.0, rate: 24.0 }

  // unbound workers tree
  var uwt = new wjGrid.FlexGrid('#workersGrid', {
      headersVisibility: 'Column',
    selectionMode: 'Row',
    beginningEdit: function(s, e) {
        var value = e.panel.getCellData(e.row, e.col);
      if (value == null) {
          e.cancel = true; // can't edit!

Add columns and define properties.

  // unbound workers tree
  var uwt = new wjGrid.FlexGrid('#workersGrid', {
      headersVisibility: 'Column',
    selectionMode: 'Row',
    beginningEdit: function(s, e) {
        var value = e.panel.getCellData(e.row, e.col);
      if (value == null) {
          e.cancel = true; // can't edit!

Loop through the array and add group rows and cells.

    // add rows
  for (var w = 0; w < workers.length; w++) {
      // add worker
    var worker = workers[w];
    var row = new wjGrid.GroupRow(worker);
    row.isReadOnly = false;
    row.level = 0;
    uwt.setCellData(row.index, 0, worker.name);
    for (var c = 0; c < worker.checks.length; c++) {
        // add check
        var check = worker.checks[c];
        row = new wjGrid.GroupRow(check);
            row.isReadOnly = false;
        row.level = 1;
        uwt.setCellData(row.index, 0, check.name);
        for (var e = 0; e < check.earnings.length; e++) {
            // add earning
            var earning = check.earnings[e];
            row = new wjGrid.GroupRow(earning);
                row.isReadOnly = false;
            row.level = 2;
            uwt.setCellData(row.index, 0, earning.name);
            uwt.setCellData(row.index, 1, earning.hours);
            uwt.setCellData(row.index, 2, earning.rate);