相关的类型应该提供一个 typeName 字段在其 toJSON函数过程中, 如此将类型名与 window 对象相联系。当反序列化时, 调用 getTypeFromString 函数来获取类型名并且构造类型实例对象, 然后调用类型实例上的 fromJSON方法。
给 typeName 字段设置完整的类型名字符串 (如果有命名空间也应包含命名空间)。
如果自定义类型有循环依赖或是你希望减小 JSON 数据的大小, 亦或是你有其他更高级的需求, 那么你的自定义类型需要重写 toJSON 和 fromJSON 方法。
如果自定义类型定义在一个闭包中, 换句话说, 你不希望将自定义类型定义在 window 对象上, 你需要重写 getTypeFromString 函数来手动解析类型的字符串。
For example:
<div class="sample-tutorial">
<div class="sample-spreadsheets-container">
<label style="font:bold 10pt arial">Source:</label>
<gc-spread-sheets class="sample-spreadsheets" @workbookInitialized="initSpread">
<br />
<label style="font:bold 10pt arial">Target:</label>
<gc-spread-sheets class="sample-spreadsheets" @workbookInitialized="initSpread2">
<div class="options-container">
<div class="option-row">
<label>Click button to serialize the custom item in the source workbook to the target workbook.</label>
<div class="option-row">
<input type="button" id="fromtoJsonBtn" value="Json Serialize"
title="Serialize source spread to JSON and restore from JSON to target spread."
@click="serialization" />
import Vue from "vue";
import '@grapecity-software/spread-sheets-resources-zh';
import "@grapecity-software/spread-sheets-vue";
import GC from "@grapecity-software/spread-sheets";
import "./styles.css";
let App = Vue.extend({
name: "app",
data: function () {
return {
spread: null,
spread2: null
methods: {
initSpread: function (spread) {
this.spread = spread;
let tagSheetIndex, rowFilterSheetIndex;
let digitMap = [{
label: "Zero",
value: 0
label: "One",
value: 1
label: "Two",
value: 2
label: "Three",
value: 3
label: "Four",
value: 4
label: "Five",
value: 5
label: "Six",
value: 6
label: "Seven",
value: 7
label: "Eight",
value: 8
label: "Nine",
value: 9
label: "Ten",
value: 10
// Define custom formatter (private in function)
function MyFormatter(format, cultureName) {
GC.Spread.Formatter.FormatterBase.apply(this, arguments);
this.typeName = "MyFormatter";
MyFormatter.prototype = new GC.Spread.Formatter.FormatterBase();
MyFormatter.prototype.parse = function (str) {
let labels = digitMap.map(function (item) {
return item.label;
index = labels.indexOf(str);
if (index === -1) {
index = parseInt(str);
return (index < 0 || index > 10) ? NaN : index;
MyFormatter.prototype.format = function (obj, conditionalForeColor) {
let numbers = digitMap.map(function (item) {
return item.value
index = numbers.indexOf(obj);
return index === -1 ? "NaN" : digitMap[index].label;
// Define custom row filter (private in function)
function MyRowFilter(range) {
GC.Spread.Sheets.Filter.RowFilterBase.apply(this, arguments);
this.typeName = "MyRowFilter";
MyRowFilter.prototype = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Filter.RowFilterBase();
MyRowFilter.prototype.onFilter = function (args) {
if (args.action === GC.Spread.Sheets.Filter.FilterActionType.filter) {
let sheet = args.sheet,
range = args.range,
filterdRows = args.filteredRows;
if (range.row < 0) {
range.row = 0;
range.rowCount = sheet.getRowCount();
if (range.col < 0) {
range.col = 0;
range.colCount = sheet.getColumnCount();
for (let i = 0, filterdRowCount = filterdRows.length; i < filterdRowCount; i++) {
let rowIndex = filterdRows[i];
sheet.getRange(rowIndex, range.col, 1, range.colCount).backColor("red");
let oldFun = GC.Spread.Sheets.getTypeFromString;
// Private types can not be accessed from window, so override getTypeFromString method.
GC.Spread.Sheets.getTypeFromString = function (typeString) {
switch (typeString) {
case "MyFormatter":
return MyFormatter;
case "MyRowFilter":
return MyRowFilter;
return oldFun.apply(this, arguments);
spread.options.allowSheetReorder = false;
spread.options.tabStripRatio = 0.9;
let sheet = spread.getSheet(0);
sheet.name("Cell type");
sheet.setCellType(0, 0, new MyCellType("green"));
sheet.setRowHeight(0, 60);
sheet = spread.getSheet(1);
sheet.addCustomFunction(new mynamespace.MyFunction());
sheet.setFormula(0, 0, "MyFunction()");
sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 150);
sheet = spread.getSheet(2);
sheet.setValue(0, 0, 1);
sheet.setFormatter(0, 0, new MyFormatter());
sheet.setFormula(0, 1, "A1");
sheet = spread.getSheet(3);
spread.addSparklineEx(new mynamespace.MySparklineEx());
sheet.setFormula(0, 0, "CIRCLE()");
sheet.setRowHeight(0, 60);
tagSheetIndex = 4;
sheet = spread.getSheet(tagSheetIndex);
sheet.tag(new MyTag("Ivy", 24));
sheet.setTag(0, 0, new MyTag("Yang", 25));
sheet.options.allowCellOverflow = true;
sheet.setValue(0, 0, "Please check tag serialization result in console");
rowFilterSheetIndex = 5;
sheet = spread.getSheet(rowFilterSheetIndex);
sheet.name("Row Filter");
for (let r = 0; r < 3; r++) {
for (let c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
sheet.setValue(r, c, r + c);
let filter = new MyRowFilter(new GC.Spread.Sheets.Range(0, 0, 3, 3));
let condition = new GC.Spread.Sheets.ConditionalFormatting.Condition(GC.Spread.Sheets.ConditionalFormatting.ConditionType.numberCondition, {
compareType: GC.Spread.Sheets.ConditionalFormatting.GeneralComparisonOperators.greaterThan,
expected: 1
sheet.rowFilter().addFilterItem(0, condition);
initSpread2: function (spread) {
this.spread2 = spread;
serialization(e) {
let spread1 = this.spread;
let jsonStr = JSON.stringify(spread1.toJSON());
let spread2 = this.spread2;
// Tag verify
let tagSheetIndex = 4;
let sheet = spread1.getSheet(tagSheetIndex);
console.log("Source spread:");
console.log("Sheet tag: ", sheet.tag());
console.log("Cell Tag: ", sheet.getTag(0, 0));
let sheet2 = spread2.getSheet(tagSheetIndex);
console.log("Target spread:");
console.log("Sheet tag: ", sheet2.tag());
console.log("Cell Tag: ", sheet2.getTag(0, 0));
function MyCellType(color) {
GC.Spread.Sheets.CellTypes.Base.apply(this, arguments);
this.color = color || "orange";
this.typeName = "MyCellType";
MyCellType.prototype = new GC.Spread.Sheets.CellTypes.Base();
MyCellType.prototype.paint = function (ctx, value, x, y, width, height, style, context) {
let MARGIN = 5,
plotLeft = x + MARGIN,
plotWidth = width - 2 * MARGIN,
plotTop = y + MARGIN,
plotHeight = height - 2 * MARGIN,
halfHeight = plotHeight / 2,
halfWidth = plotWidth / 2;
ctx.moveTo(plotLeft, plotTop + halfHeight);
ctx.lineTo(plotLeft + halfWidth, plotTop);
ctx.lineTo(plotLeft + plotWidth, plotTop + halfHeight);
ctx.lineTo(plotLeft + halfWidth, plotTop + plotHeight);
ctx.lineTo(plotLeft, plotTop + halfHeight);
ctx.strokeStyle = this.color;
window.MyCellType = MyCellType;
// Define custom tag
function MyTag(name, age) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.typeName = "MyTag";
MyTag.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return {
typeName: this.typeName, //necessary
name: this.name,
age: this.age
MyTag.prototype.fromJSON = function (settings) {
if (settings.name !== undefined) {
this.name = settings.name;
if (settings.age !== undefined) {
this.age = settings.age;
window.MyTag = MyTag;
let mynamespace = window.mynamespace = {};
(function () {
// Define custom function (with namespace)
function MyFunction() {
GC.Spread.CalcEngine.Functions.Function.apply(this, ["MyFunction", 0, 0]);
this.typeName = "mynamespace.MyFunction";
MyFunction.prototype = new GC.Spread.CalcEngine.Functions.Function();
MyFunction.prototype.evaluate = function (args) {
let now = new Date();
return now.getFullYear() + "/" + (now.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + now.getDate();
mynamespace.MyFunction = MyFunction;
// Define custom sparklineEx (with namespace)
function MySparklineEx() {
GC.Spread.Sheets.Sparklines.SparklineEx.apply(this, arguments);
this.typeName = "mynamespace.MySparklineEx";
MySparklineEx.prototype = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Sparklines.SparklineEx();
MySparklineEx.prototype.createFunction = function () {
let func = new GC.Spread.CalcEngine.Functions.Function("CIRCLE", 0, 0);
func.evaluate = function (args) {
return {};
return func;
MySparklineEx.prototype.paint = function (context, value, x, y, width, height) {
context.arc(x + width / 2, y + height / 2, (Math.min(width, height) - 6) / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2);
context.strokeStyle = "orange";
mynamespace.MySparklineEx = MySparklineEx;
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
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