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function initSpread(spread) {
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var table = sheet.tables.findByName('Table1');
document.getElementById("insertRows").onclick = function () {
if (table) {
try {
var row = parseInt(document.getElementById("insertRowIndex").value);
var count = parseInt(document.getElementById("insertRowCount").value);
var isAfter = document.getElementById("insertAfterRow").checked;
if (!isNaN(row) && !isNaN(count)) {
table.insertRows(row - table.dataRange().row, count, isAfter);
} else {
alert("Row, Count must be a number");
} catch (ex) {
alert(!!ex.message ? ex.message : ex);
document.getElementById("deleteRows").onclick = function () {
if (table) {
try {
var row = parseInt(document.getElementById("deleteRowIndex").value);
var count = parseInt(document.getElementById("deleteRowCount").value);
if (!isNaN(row) && !isNaN(count)) {
table.deleteRows(row - table.dataRange().row, count);
} else {
alert("Row, Count must be a number");
} catch (ex) {
alert(!!ex.message ? ex.message : ex);
document.getElementById("insertColumns").onclick = function () {
if (table) {
try {
var col = parseInt(document.getElementById("insertColIndex").value);
var count = parseInt(document.getElementById("insertColCount").value);
var isAfter = document.getElementById("insertAfterCol").checked;
if (!isNaN(col) && !isNaN(count)) {
table.insertColumns(col - table.dataRange().col, count, isAfter);
} else {
alert("Row, Count must be a number");
} catch (ex) {
alert(!!ex.message ? ex.message : ex);
document.getElementById("deleteColumns").onclick = function () {
if (table) {
try {
var col = parseInt(document.getElementById("deleteColIndex").value);
var count = parseInt(document.getElementById("deleteColCount").value);
if (!isNaN(col) && !isNaN(count)) {
table.deleteColumns(col - table.dataRange().col, count);
} else {
alert("Row, Count must be a number");
} catch (ex) {
alert(!!ex.message ? ex.message : ex);
document.getElementById("tableToRange").onclick = function () {
try {
if (table) {
sheet.tables.remove(table, GC.Spread.Sheets.Tables.TableRemoveOptions.keepData | GC.Spread.Sheets.Tables.TableRemoveOptions.keepStyle);
} catch (ex) {
alert(!!ex.message ? ex.message : ex);
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<div class="sample-tutorial">
<div id="ss" class="sample-spreadsheets"></div>
<div class="options-container">
<p>Try inserting and remove rows and columns with the following fields and buttons. Simply enter
a specific row or column index, and then the number of rows or columns to add.</p>
<div class="option-group">
<label for="insertRowIndex">Row:</label>
<input type="text" id="insertRowIndex" />
<label for="insertRowCount">Count:</label>
<input type="text" id="insertRowCount" />
<input style="width: 20px;float: left;" type="checkbox" id="insertAfterRow" />
<label for="insertAfterRow">Insert after Current RowIndex</label>
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<div class="option-group">
<label for="deleteRowIndex">Row:</label>
<input type="text" id="deleteRowIndex" />
<label for="deleteRowCount">Count:</label>
<input type="text" id="deleteRowCount" />
<input type="button" id="deleteRows" value="Delete Rows" />
<div class="option-group">
<label for="insertColIndex">Column:</label>
<input type="text" id="insertColIndex" />
<label for="insertColCount">Count:</label>
<input type="text" id="insertColCount" />
<input style="width: 20px;float: left;" type="checkbox" id="insertAfterCol" />
<label for="insertAfterCol">Insert after Current ColIndex</label>
<input type="button" id="insertColumns" value="Insert Columns" />
<div class="option-group">
<label for="deleteColIndex">Column:</label>
<input type="text" id="deleteColIndex" />
<label for="deleteColCount">Count:</label>
<input type="text" id="deleteColCount" />
<input type="button" id="deleteColumns" value="Delete Columns" />
<p>Click on this button to convert the table to a range of cells with the same styles applied.
<div class="option-group">
<input type="button" id="tableToRange" value="Table to Range" />
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height: 100%;
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float: left;
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float: right;
width: 280px;
padding: 12px;
height: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
background: #fbfbfb;
overflow: auto;
.option-row {
font-size: 14px;
padding: 5px;
margin-top: 10px;
.option-group {
margin-bottom: 6px;
label {
display: block;
margin-bottom: 6px;
input {
margin-bottom: 5px;
padding: 2px 4px;
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
input[type=button] {
margin-bottom: 6px;
hr {
border-color: #fff;
opacity: .2;
margin: 5px 0;
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