
集算表支持类似于Excel的筛选对话框,包括文本数字日期条件,即使有大量数据,也有很好的筛选性能。还支持使用 allowSortallowFilterByValueallowFilterByList 为某些列设置过滤器和排序区域可见性。

集算表可以支持类似Excel的筛选对话框,包括文本、数字和日期条件。 当数据量很大的时候,为了提高通过点击集算表的标题筛选器按钮来打开筛选器对话框的性能,集算表提供了一个选项来创建指定字段的筛选器索引缓存。 在某些情况下,用户可能不需要检查表或筛选对话框的某些部分,集算表在列中提供了几个选项来控制集算表筛选对话框中每个部分的可见性。 如果allowSort、allowFilterByValue和allowFilterByList都是false,那么列头的筛选按钮就看不见了。
/*REPLACE_MARKER*/ /*DO NOT DELETE THESE COMMENTS*/ <template> <div class="sample-tutorial"> <gc-spread-sheets class="sample-spreadsheets" @workbookInitialized="init"> </gc-spread-sheets> <div id="options-container" class="options-container"> <label for="dataRows">Row Count: </label> <select id="dataRows" v-model="rowCount"> <option value="1000" selected="selected">1000</option> <option value="3000">3000</option> <option value="10000">10000</option> <option value="30000">30000</option> <option value="100000">100000</option> <option value="300000">300000</option> <option value="1000000">1000000</option> </select> <br> <fieldset> <legend>Create Filter Indexes</legend> <input type="checkbox" id="createIdIndexes" v-model="createIDIndexes" /> <label for="createIdIndexes">Create ID Indexes</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" id="createBirthIndexes" v-model="createBirthIndexes" /> <label for="createBirthIndexes">Create Birthday Indexes</label> <br> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>ID Column Filter Dialog Options</legend> <input type="checkbox" id="sortByValue_id" v-model="sortByValue_id" /> <label for="sortByValue_id">Allow Sort</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" id="filterByValue_id" v-model="filterByValue_id" /> <label for="filterByValue_id">Allow Filter By Value</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" id="listFilterArea_id" v-model="listFilterArea_id" /> <label for="listFilterArea_id">Allow Filter By List</label> <br> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Birthday Column Filter Dialog Options</legend> <input type="checkbox" id="sortByValue_birthday" v-model="sortByValue_birthday" /> <label for="sortByValue_birthday">Allow Sort</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" id="filterByValue_birthday" v-model="filterByValue_birthday" /> <label for="filterByValue_birthday">Allow Filter By Value</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" id="listFilterArea_birthday" v-model="listFilterArea_birthday" /> <label for="listFilterArea_birthday">Allow Filter By List</label> <br> </fieldset> <input type="button" style="margin-left: 30px; margin-top: 10px;width:200px;" id="setDataSource" value="Set DataSource" @click="initSpread" /> <fieldset style="heighy:155px;"> <legend>Performance</legend> <textarea id="showEventArgs" style="width: 236px;height:135px;" cols="64" rows="15" v-model="showEventArgs"></textarea> </fieldset> </div> </div> </template> <script> import Vue from "vue"; import "@grapecity-software/spread-sheets-vue"; import GC from "@grapecity-software/spread-sheets"; import "@grapecity-software/spread-sheets-tablesheet"; import '@grapecity-software/spread-sheets-resources-zh'; GC.Spread.Common.CultureManager.culture("zh-cn"); import "./styles.css"; let App = Vue.extend({ name: "app", data: function() { return { spread: null, tablesheet: null, rowCount: 1000, createIDIndexes: true, createBirthIndexes: true, sortByValue_id: true, filterByValue_id: true, listFilterArea_id: true, sortByValue_birthday: true, filterByValue_birthday: true, listFilterArea_birthday: true, showEventArgs: "" }; }, methods: { init: function(spread) { this.spread = spread; this.initSpread(); }, initSpread: function() { var _this = this; var spread = _this.spread; spread.suspendPaint(); //1. init a sheet spread.clearSheets(); spread.clearSheetTabs(); var sheet = spread.addSheetTab(0, "TableSheet1", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetType.tableSheet); var data = generateData(+_this.rowCount); var timeBeforeCreate = new Date(); var dataManager = spread.dataManager(); var employeeTable = dataManager.addTable("employeeTable", { data: data.employees, schema: { columns: { id: { indexed: _this.createIDIndexes }, birth: { indexed: _this.createBirthIndexes } } } }); var departmentTable = dataManager.addTable("departmentTable", { data: data.departments }); dataManager.addRelationship(employeeTable, "dept", "department", departmentTable, "dept_no", "employees"); dataManager.addRelationship(departmentTable, "leader_id", "manager", employeeTable, "id", "a"); spread.resumePaint(); var numericStyle = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Style(); numericStyle.formatter = "$ #,##0.00"; var formatStringStyle = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Style(); formatStringStyle.formatter = 'yyyy-mm-dd'; var visibleInfo_id = {}; if (!_this.sortByValue_id) { visibleInfo_id.sortByValue_id = false; } if (!_this.filterByValue_id) { visibleInfo_id.filterByValue_id = false; } if (!_this.listFilterArea_id) { visibleInfo_id.listFilterArea_id = false; } var visibleInfo_birthday = {}; if (!_this.sortByValue_birthday) { visibleInfo_birthday.sortByValue_birthday = false; } if (!_this.filterByValue_birthday) { visibleInfo_birthday.filterByValue_birthday = false; } if (!_this.listFilterArea_birthday) { visibleInfo_birthday.listFilterArea_birthday = false; } var cols = [ { value: 'id', caption: 'ID', allowSort: visibleInfo_id.sortByValue_id, allowFilterByValue: visibleInfo_id.filterByValue_id, allowFilterByList: visibleInfo_id.listFilterArea_id }, { value: 'firstName', caption: 'First Name', width: 100 }, { value: 'lastName', caption: 'Last Name', width: 100 }, { value: 'birth', caption: 'Birthday', width: 100, style: formatStringStyle, allowSort: visibleInfo_birthday.sortByValue_birthday, allowFilterByValue: visibleInfo_birthday.filterByValue_birthday, allowFilterByList: visibleInfo_birthday.listFilterArea_birthday }, { value: 'state', caption: 'State', width: 100 }, { value: 'dept', caption: 'Department No', width: 130 }, { value: 'title', caption: 'Title', width: 120 }, { value: 'salary', caption: 'Salary', style: numericStyle, width: 100 }, ]; var employeeView = employeeTable.addView("employeeView", cols, undefined); employeeView.fetch().then(function(args) { sheet.suspendPaint(); sheet.setDataView(employeeView); sheet.resumePaint(); var timeGap = new Date() - timeBeforeCreate; _this.showEventArgs = ("Fetch data and paint - " + (timeGap) + " ms"); }); initMultiFilterSample(spread); }, } }); function initMultiFilterSample(spread) { spread.suspendPaint(); var dataManager = spread.dataManager(); var table = dataManager.addTable("CourseTable", { data: [ { Course: "Calculus", Term: 1, Credit: 5, Score: 80, Teacher: "Nancy Feehafer" }, { Course: "P.E.", Term: 1, Credit: 3.5, Score: 85, Teacher: "Andrew Cencini" }, { Course: "Political Economics", Term: 1, Credit: 3.5, Score: 95, Teacher: "Jan Kotas" }, { Course: "Basic of Computer", Term: 1, Credit: 2, Score: 85, Teacher: "Steven Thorpe" }, { Course: "Micro-Economics", Term: 1, Credit: 4, Score: 62, Teacher: "Jan Kotas" }, { Course: "Linear Algebra", Term: 2, Credit: 5, Score: 73, Teacher: "Nancy Feehafer" }, { Course: "Accounting", Term: 2, Credit: 3.5, Score: 86, Teacher: "Nancy Feehafer" }, { Course: "Statistics", Term: 2, Credit: 5, Score: 85, Teacher: "Robert Zare" }, { Course: "Marketing", Term: 2, Credit: 4, Score: 70, Teacher: "Laura Giussani" } ], schema: { type: 'json' } }); var sheet = spread.addSheetTab(1, "Course", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetType.tableSheet); table.fetch().then(function() { var myView = table.addView("CourseTable", [ { value: "Course", width: 130 }, { value: "Term", width: 100 }, { value: "Credit", width: 100 }, { value: "Score", width: 100 }, { value: "Teacher", width: 120 }, ]); spread.suspendPaint(); sheet.setDataView(myView); spread.resumePaint(); }); initMultiFilterHierarchySample(spread, dataManager); spread.resumePaint(); } function initMultiFilterHierarchySample(spread, dataManager) { var table = dataManager.addTable("Table", { remote: { read: { url: getBaseApiUrl() + "/Hierarchy_Formula" } }, schema: { hierarchy: { type: 'Parent', column: 'parent', summaryFields: { 'budget': '=SUM(CHILDREN(1,"budget"))' } }, columns: { id: { isPrimaryKey: true, }, }, } }); var sheet = spread.addSheetTab(2, "Budget", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetType.tableSheet); sheet.options.allowAddNew = false; table.fetch().then(function() { var myView = table.addView("myView", [ { value: '=CONCAT([@department]," (L",LEVEL(),"-",LEVELROWNUMBER(),")")', caption: 'Department', width: 265, outlineColumn: true }, { value: "budget", width: 100, caption: 'Budget' }, { value: '=IF(LEVEL()=0,"",[@budget]/PARENT(1,"budget"))', width: 120, caption: 'Percentage', style: { formatter: '0.00%' } }, { value: "location", width: 100, caption: 'Location' }, { value: "phone", width: 150, caption: 'Phone' }, { value: "country", width: 100, caption: 'Country' }, ]); spread.suspendPaint(); sheet.setDataView(myView); spread.resumePaint(); }); } function getBaseApiUrl() { return window.location.href.match(/http.+spreadjs\/SpreadJSTutorial\//)[0] + 'server/api'; } function randomFromList(list) { return list[~~(Math.random() * list.length)]; } function generateData(itemCount) { var data = { employees: [], departments: departments }; var states = ["Texas", "New York", "Florida", "Washington", "Ohio"]; var department_id = ["D001", "D002", "D003", "D004", "D005", "D006", "D007", "D008", "D009"]; var title = ["Senior Engineer", "Staff", "Engineer", "Senior Staff", "Assistant Engineer", "Technique Leader", "Manager"]; for (var i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { var date = new Date(parseInt(Math.random() * 12052666) * 24 * 3600); //The timestamp date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var item = { id: i + 1, firstName: randomFromList(firstNames), lastName: randomFromList(lastNames), birth: date, state: randomFromList(states), dept: i < 9 ? department_id[i] : randomFromList(department_id), title: i < 9 ? "Manager" : randomFromList(title), salary: 3000 + parseInt(Math.random() * 100) * 500, }; data.employees.push(item); } return data; } new Vue({ render: (h) => h(App), }).$mount("#app"); </script>
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