

为了快速访问另一个文件或网页上的相关信息,你可以在单元格中插入超链接。 你可以通过setHyperlink方法来设置超链接,例如: 同时,你可以使用getHyperlink方法来获取超链接,例如: HyperLink包含如下属性: 属性 数据类型 描述 url 字符串 表示超链接指向的位置。SpreadJS的超链接支持许多协议,例如:http / https / ftp / file / mailto...。此外,还支持以“ sjs://”开头的url,它引用工作表位置。 tooltip 字符串 表示超链接的提示消息,当鼠标悬停在带有超链接的单元格上时显示。 linkColor 字符串 表示访问链接之前的前景色。默认值为#0066cc。 visitedLinkColor 字符串 表示访问链接后的前景色。默认值为#3399ff。 target 枚举 表示用户打开超链接文档的方式。默认值为0 / *空白* /。 drawUnderline 布尔 表示是否绘制超链接的下划线。默认为true。 command 字符串 | 函数 表示单击超链接而执行的行为 如果你输入一个链接到单元格中,我们支持为你自动创建超链接。 在spread选项中有一个allowAutoCreateHyperlink选项。 默认情况下,我们支持自动创建超链接。 如果你不喜欢这个, 你可以设置 allowAutoCreateHyperlink为false.
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import '@grapecity-software/spread-sheets-resources-zh'; GC.Spread.Common.CultureManager.culture("zh-cn"); import "@grapecity-software/spread-sheets-vue"; import GC from "@grapecity-software/spread-sheets"; import "./styles.css"; let App = Vue.extend({ name: "app", data: function() { return { autoGenerateColumns: true, spread: null }; }, methods: { initSpread: function(spread) { this.spread = spread; spread.suspendPaint(); let sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); this.sheet = sheet; sheet.setText(1, 1, "SpreadJS Demo Link"); sheet.setText(2, 1, "https://www.grapecity.com.cn/developer/spreadjs/demo"); let hyperlinkForUrl = {}; hyperlinkForUrl.url = "https://www.grapecity.com.cn/developer/spreadjs/demo"; sheet.setHyperlink(2, 1, hyperlinkForUrl); sheet.setText(5, 1, "Link with tooltip"); sheet.setText(6, 1, "https://www.grapecity.com.cn/developer/spreadjs/demo"); let hyperlinkForTooltip = {}; hyperlinkForTooltip.url = "https://www.grapecity.com.cn/developer/spreadjs/demo"; hyperlinkForTooltip.tooltip = "GrapeCity SpreadJS Demos"; sheet.setHyperlink(6, 1, hyperlinkForTooltip); sheet.setText(9, 1, "Change link foreColor"); sheet.setText(10, 1, "https://www.grapecity.com.cn/developer/spreadjs/demo"); let hyperlinkForForeColor = {}; hyperlinkForForeColor.url = "https://www.grapecity.com.cn/developer/spreadjs/demo"; hyperlinkForForeColor.tooltip = "GrapeCity SpreadJS Demos"; hyperlinkForForeColor.linkColor = "red"; sheet.setHyperlink(10, 1, hyperlinkForForeColor); sheet.setText(13, 1, "Change link visited color"); sheet.setText(14, 1, "https://www.grapecity.com.cn/developer/spreadjs/demo"); let hyperlinkForVisitedColor = {}; hyperlinkForVisitedColor.url = "https://www.grapecity.com.cn/developer/spreadjs/demo"; hyperlinkForVisitedColor.tooltip = "GrapeCity SpreadJS Demos"; hyperlinkForVisitedColor.visitedLinkColor = "green"; sheet.setHyperlink(14, 1, hyperlinkForVisitedColor); sheet.setText(17, 1, "Link without underline"); sheet.setText(18, 1, "https://www.grapecity.com.cn/developer/spreadjs/demo"); let hyperlinkWithoutUnderline = {}; 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sheet.setHyperlink(row, col, hyperlink); sheet.setValue(row, col, hyperlink.tooltip); this.spread.resumePaint(); }, allowAutoCreateHyperlink: function(e) { this.spread.suspendPaint(); this.spread.options.allowAutoCreateHyperlink = e.target.checked; this.spread.resumePaint(); }, } }); new Vue({ render: h => h(App) }).$mount("#app"); </script>
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export function getData() { return [{ "Country": "United Kingdom", "State": "England", "City": "Basildon", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "United Kingdom", "State": "England", "City": "London", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "United Kingdom", "State": "England", "City": "Manchester", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "United Kingdom", "State": "England", "City": "London", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "United Kingdom", "State": "England", "City": "Newbury", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "United Kingdom", "State": "England", "City": "Kemble", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United Kingdom", "State": "England", "City": "Headley", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United Kingdom", "State": "England", "City": "Southampton", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United Kingdom", "State": "England", "City": "Cheltenham", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United Kingdom", "State": "England", "City": "Bournemouth", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United Kingdom", "State": "Northern Ireland", "City": "Helens Bay", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "MO", "City": "Parkville", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "OR", "City": "Astoria", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "AL", "City": "Cahaba Heights", "Product": "Kraft Real Mayo", "Detail": "30 Ounces" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "NJ", "City": "Mickleton", "Product": "Kraft Real Mayo", "Detail": "30 Ounces" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "NJ", "City": "Riverside", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "NJ", "City": "Clinton", "Product": "Teddy Grahams Crackers", "Detail": "Honey 10-Ounce Boxes 6-Pack" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "IL", "City": "Peoria", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "IL", "City": "Morton", "Product": "Teddy Grahams Crackers", "Detail": "Honey 10-Ounce Boxes 6-Pack" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "IL", "City": "Flossmoor", "Product": "Teddy Grahams Crackers", "Detail": "Honey 10-Ounce Boxes 6-Pack" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "IL", "City": "Genoa", "Product": "Kraft Real Mayo", "Detail": "30 Ounces" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "TN", "City": "Martin", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "TN", "City": "Memphis", "Product": "Teddy Grahams Crackers", "Detail": "Honey 10-Ounce Boxes 6-Pack" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "NY", "City": "New York", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "NY", "City": "New York", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "NY", "City": "New York", "Product": "Teddy Grahams Crackers", "Detail": "Honey 10-Ounce Boxes 6-Pack" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "NY", "City": "Brooklyn", "Product": "Teddy Grahams Crackers", "Detail": "Honey 10-Ounce Boxes 6-Pack" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "NY", "City": "New Rochelle", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "NY", "City": "Staten Island", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "TX", "City": "Shavano Park", "Product": "Kraft Real Mayo", "Detail": "30 Ounces" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "TX", "City": "Sugar Land", "Product": "Kraft Real Mayo", "Detail": "30 Ounces" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "TX", "City": "Houston", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "TX", "City": "Houston", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "TX", "City": "Lakewood Village", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "ID", "City": "Eagle", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "UT", "City": "Salt Lake City", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "CA", "City": "Chula Vista", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "CA", "City": "Los Gatos", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "CA", "City": "Santa Monica", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "CA", "City": "Irvine", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "CA", "City": "San Francisco", "Product": "Teddy Grahams Crackers", "Detail": "Honey 10-Ounce Boxes 6-Pack" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "FL", "City": "Miami", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "FL", "City": "Delray Beach", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "FL", "City": "Fort Lauderdale", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "FL", "City": "Amelia Island", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "FL", "City": "Coral Gables", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "FL", "City": "Miami", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "FL", "City": "Parkland", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "VA", "City": "Reston", "Product": "Kraft Real Mayo", "Detail": "30 Ounces" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "VA", "City": "Keller", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "VA", "City": "Keller", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "AZ", "City": "Phoenix", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "VT", "City": "Pittsfield", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "VT", "City": "Pittsfield", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "GA", "City": "Ball Ground", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "GA", "City": "Sandy Springs", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "IA", "City": "Ankeny", "Product": "Kraft Real Mayo", "Detail": "30 Ounces" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "NC", "City": "Pittsboro", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "OH", "City": "Beachwood", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "OH", "City": "Cincinnati", "Product": "Kraft Real Mayo", "Detail": "30 Ounces" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "NH", "City": "W Lebanon", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "MD", "City": "Woodsboro", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "Michigan", "City": "Farmington", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "HI", "City": "Honolulu", "Product": "Kraft Real Mayo", "Detail": "30 Ounces" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "CO", "City": "Englewood", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "United States", "State": "KY", "City": "Owensboro", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "Australia", "State": "Victoria", "City": "Echuca", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "Australia", "State": "Victoria", "City": "Melbourne", "Product": "Teddy Grahams Crackers", "Detail": "Honey 10-Ounce Boxes 6-Pack" }, { "Country": "Australia", "State": "Queensland", "City": "Burpengary", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Australia", "State": "Queensland", "City": "Gold Coast", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Israel", "State": "Tel Aviv", "City": "Tel Aviv", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "France", "State": "Ile-de-France", "City": "Chatou", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "France", "State": "Upper Normandy", "City": "Rouen", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "Netherlands", "State": "Noord-Brabant", "City": "Eindhoven", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "Netherlands", "State": "Noord-Holland", "City": "Badhoevedorp", "Product": "Kraft Real Mayo", "Detail": "30 Ounces" }, { "Country": "Ireland", "State": "Meath", "City": "Julianstown", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "Ireland", "State": "Cork", "City": "Ballynora", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Ireland", "State": "Dublin", "City": "Kinsaley", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "Ireland", "State": "Dublin", "City": "Rathgar", "Product": "Kraft Real Mayo", "Detail": "30 Ounces" }, { "Country": "Canada", "State": "Ontario", "City": "Ottawa", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "Canada", "State": "Ontario", "City": "Belleville", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "Canada", "State": "Ontario", "City": "Alliston", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "Canada", "State": "British Columbia", "City": "Maple Ridge District Municipality", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Canada", "State": "British Columbia", "City": "Comox", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "Canada", "State": "British Columbia", "City": "Vancouver", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "Canada", "State": "British Columbia", "City": "Vancouver", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Canada", "State": "British Columbia", "City": "Tsawwassen", "Product": "Teddy Grahams Crackers", "Detail": "Honey 10-Ounce Boxes 6-Pack" }, { "Country": "Canada", "State": "Saskatchewan", "City": "Prince Albert", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Canada", "State": "Alberta", "City": "Red Deer", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Canada", "State": "Alberta", "City": "Calgary", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Canada", "State": "Alberta", "City": "Calgary", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "Canada", "State": "Alberta", "City": "Okotoks", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "India", "State": "Andhra Pradesh", "City": "Hyderabad", "Product": "Teddy Grahams Crackers", "Detail": "Honey 10-Ounce Boxes 6-Pack" }, { "Country": "South Africa", "State": "Gauteng", "City": "Roodepoort", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "Finland", "State": "Ita-Suomen Laani", "City": "Kuopio", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Switzerland", "State": "Geneve", "City": "Vesenaz", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "Switzerland", "State": "Vaud", "City": "Lausanne", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Switzerland", "State": "Vaud", "City": "Morges", "Product": "Kraft Real Mayo", "Detail": "30 Ounces" }, { "Country": "Denmark", "State": "Frederiksborg", "City": "Helsingor", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Denmark", "State": "Kobenhavn", "City": "Kobenhavn", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "Denmark", "State": "Storstrom", "City": "Nakskov", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "Belgium", "State": "Brussels (Bruxelles)", "City": "Brussels", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "Sweden", "State": "Stockholm", "City": "Saltsjobaden", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "Norway", "State": "Rogaland", "City": "Stavanger", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Norway", "State": "Oslo", "City": "Oslo", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Luxembourg", "State": "Luxembourg", "City": "Gasperich", "Product": "Planters Deluxe Whole Cashew", "Detail": "18.25 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Italy", "State": "Lombardy", "City": "Milan", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Germany", "State": "Nordrhein-Westfalen", "City": "Telgte", "Product": "Jaybee's Gourmet Nuts Gift Pack (3 Lb)", "Detail": "Premium Quality Nuts Elegant Design Vegetarian Friendly & Kosher" }, { "Country": "Moldova", "State": "Chisinau", "City": "Bubuieci", "Product": "Smartfood Popcorn", "Detail": "White Cheddar 9 Ounce" }, { "Country": "Spain", "State": "Murcia", "City": "La Alberca", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }, { "Country": "United Arab Emirates", "State": "Dubayy", "City": "Jumeira", "Product": "KIND Bars Almond & Coconut Gluten Free", "Detail": "1.4 Ounce Bars 12 Count" }, { "Country": "Bahrain", "State": "Al Manamah", "City": "Al 'Adliyah", "Product": "Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese", "Detail": "24 oz" }]; }
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