createTextLengthValidator: 创建基于文本长度的验证器。
createFormulaValidator: 创建基于公式的验证器。
createFormulaListValidator: 创建基于公式列表的验证器。
createListValidator: 创建基于列表的验证器。
在你为一个单元格设置验证器之后,你可以调用 getDataValidator 方法来获取单元格上的数据验证器。你也可以调用 isValid 方法来判定单元格的值是否是有效的。例如:
你可以调用 highlightInvalidData 属性来获取或者设置是否要高亮显示无效的数据。如果它被设置为 true ,那么当单元格中的数据无效时,单元格中会显示一个红色的圆圈。
<div class="sample-tutorial">
<gc-spread-sheets class="sample-spreadsheets" @workbookInitialized="initSpread">
<div class="options-container">
<div class="option-row">
<p>Try clicking on the checkbox for ‘Highlight invalid data’ to see how you can highlight data in Spread
that isn’t valid in different ways.</p>
<input type="checkbox" id="highlightInvalidData" checked="checked" @change="changeHighlightInvalidData" />
<label for="highlightInvalidData">Highlight invalid data</label>
import Vue from "vue";
import '@grapecity-software/spread-sheets-resources-zh';
import "@grapecity-software/spread-sheets-vue";
import GC from "@grapecity-software/spread-sheets";
import "./styles.css";
let App = Vue.extend({
name: "app",
data: function() {
return {
spread: null
methods: {
initSpread: function(spread) {
this.spread = spread;
loadData(spread) {
let spreadNS = GC.Spread.Sheets;
let sheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
sheet.setRowHeight(3, 40);
sheet.setValue(3, 0, "Shopping Place");
let title = sheet.getCell(3, 0);
title.font("bold 20px arial");
sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 160);
sheet.setColumnWidth(1, 35);
.getRange(3, 0, 3, 1)
.setBorder(new spreadNS.LineBorder("Black", spreadNS.LineStyle.thin), {
all: true
sheet.setValue(4, 0, "Food Shop");
sheet.setValue(5, 0, "Other");
sheet.getCell(4, 0).font("bold 15px arial");
sheet.getCell(5, 0).font("bold 15px arial");
let startRow = 3;
let startCol = 1;
sheet.addSpan(startRow + 0, startCol + 0, 1, 4);
sheet.setRowHeight(startRow + 0, 40);
sheet.setValue(startRow + 0, startCol + 0, "Goods List");
title = sheet.getCell(startRow + 0, startCol + 0);
title.font("bold 30px arial");
sheet.setColumnWidth(startCol + 0, 100);
sheet.setColumnWidth(startCol + 1, 100);
sheet.setColumnWidth(startCol + 2, 100);
sheet.setColumnWidth(startCol + 3, 120);
.getRange(startRow + 0, startCol + 0, 8, 4)
.setBorder(new spreadNS.LineBorder("Black", spreadNS.LineStyle.thin), {
all: true
sheet.setValue(startRow + 1, startCol + 0, "Name");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 1, startCol + 1, "Category");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 1, startCol + 2, "Price");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 1, startCol + 3, "Shopping Place");
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
sheet.getCell(startRow + 1, startCol + i).font("bold 15px arial");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 2, startCol + 0, "Apple");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 3, startCol + 0, "Potato");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 4, startCol + 0, "Tomato");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 5, startCol + 0, "Sandwich");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 6, startCol + 0, "Hamburger");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 7, startCol + 0, "Grape");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 2, startCol + 1, "Fruit");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 3, startCol + 1, "Vegetable");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 4, startCol + 1, "Vegetable");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 5, startCol + 1, "Food");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 6, startCol + 1, "Food");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 7, startCol + 1, "Fruit");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 2, startCol + 2, 1.0);
sheet.setValue(startRow + 3, startCol + 2, 2.01);
sheet.setValue(startRow + 4, startCol + 2, 3.21);
sheet.setValue(startRow + 5, startCol + 2, 2);
sheet.setValue(startRow + 6, startCol + 2, 2);
sheet.setValue(startRow + 7, startCol + 2, 4);
let myFormatter = new GC.Spread.Formatter.GeneralFormatter(
"$#,##0.00;[Red] $#,##0.00"
for (let i = 2; i < 8; i++) {
sheet.getCell(startRow + i, startCol + 2).formatter(myFormatter);
sheet.setValue(startRow + 2, startCol + 3, "Grocery Store");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 3, startCol + 3, "Other");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 4, startCol + 3, "Other");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 5, startCol + 3, "Grocery Store");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 6, startCol + 3, "Grocery Store");
sheet.setValue(startRow + 7, startCol + 3, "Other");
//set invalid data
sheet.setValue(6, 2, "sss");
sheet.setValue(10, 4, "Sun Store");
setValidator(spread) {
let spreadNS = GC.Spread.Sheets;
let sheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
spread.options.highlightInvalidData = true;
let dv1 = new spreadNS.DataValidation.createListValidator(
dv1.inputTitle("Please choose a category:");
dv1.inputMessage("Fruit, Vegetable, Food");
type: GC.Spread.Sheets.DataValidation.HighlightType.icon,
color: "gold",
position: GC.Spread.Sheets.DataValidation.HighlightPosition.outsideRight
for (let i = 5; i < 11; i++) {
sheet.setDataValidator(i, 2, dv1);
let dv2 = new spreadNS.DataValidation.createFormulaListValidator(
for (let i = 5; i < 11; i++) {
sheet.setDataValidator(i, 4, dv2);
sheet.setValue(14, 0, "ValidationList Comma Support");
//Validation List Support Comma
sheet.setValue(14, 2, "Amount of money");
let dv3 = new GC.Spread.Sheets.DataValidation.createListValidator(
dv3.inputTitle("Please choose a number:");
dv3.inputMessage("Amount of money");
type: GC.Spread.Sheets.DataValidation.HighlightType.dogEar,
color: "green",
position: GC.Spread.Sheets.DataValidation.HighlightPosition.topRight
sheet.setDataValidator(14, 2, dv3);
sheet.setValue(14, 4, "Calculation operators");
let dv4 = new GC.Spread.Sheets.DataValidation.createListValidator(
dv4.inputTitle("Please choose a operator:");
dv4.inputMessage("Calculation operators");
type: GC.Spread.Sheets.DataValidation.HighlightType.icon,
color: "yellow",
position: GC.Spread.Sheets.DataValidation.HighlightPosition.outsideLeft,
image: "$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/images/apple.jpg"
sheet.setDataValidator(14, 4, dv4);
changeHighlightInvalidData(e) {
this.spread.options.highlightInvalidData = e.target.checked;
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
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height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
float: left;
.options-container {
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padding: 12px;
height: 100%;
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