

你可以通过继承 Base 类型来自定制单元格类型,并且实现一些必须的方法,例如 paint , createEditorElement , getEditorValue 等等。完成了这些你就可以使用你的自定制单元格类型了。例如:
<template> <div class="sample-tutorial"> <gc-spread-sheets class="sample-spreadsheets" @workbookInitialized="initSpread"> <gc-worksheet></gc-worksheet> </gc-spread-sheets> </div> </template> <script> import Vue from "vue"; import '@grapecity-software/spread-sheets-resources-zh'; GC.Spread.Common.CultureManager.culture("zh-cn"); import "@grapecity-software/spread-sheets-vue"; import GC from "@grapecity-software/spread-sheets"; import "./styles.css"; import { FivePointedStarCellType, FullNameCellType } from "./data.js"; const spreadNS = GC.Spread.Sheets; //Custom Cell Type let App = Vue.extend({ name: "app", data: function() { return {}; }, methods: { initSpread(spread) { const sheet = spread.getSheet(0); sheet.suspendPaint(); sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 100); sheet.setColumnWidth(1, 170); const columnInfo = [ { name: "result", displayName: "Result", cellType: new FivePointedStarCellType(), size: 50 }, { name: "person", displayName: "Person", cellType: new FullNameCellType(), size: 170 } ]; const source = [ { result: true, person: { firstName: "LeBron", lastName: "James" } }, { result: false, person: { firstName: "Chris", lastName: "Bosh" } }, { result: true, person: { firstName: "Dwyane", lastName: "Wade" } }, { result: false, person: { firstName: "Mike", lastName: "Miller" } }, { result: true, person: { firstName: "Mike", lastName: "Miller" } }, { result: true, person: { firstName: "Udonis", lastName: "Haslem" } }, { result: true, person: { firstName: "Mario", lastName: "Chalmers" } }, { result: true, person: { firstName: "Joel", lastName: "Anthony" } }, { result: false, person: { firstName: "Shane", lastName: "Battier" } }, { result: false, person: { firstName: "Ray", lastName: "Allen" } }, { result: true, person: { firstName: "James", lastName: "Jones" } }, { result: false, person: { firstName: "Rashard", lastName: "Lewis" } }, { result: true, person: { firstName: "Norris", lastName: "Cole" } }, { result: true, person: { firstName: "Chris", lastName: "Andersen" } }, { result: false, person: { firstName: "Jarvis", lastName: "Varnado" } }, { result: true, person: { firstName: "Juwan", lastName: "Howard" } }, ]; sheet.setDataSource(source); sheet.bindColumns(columnInfo); sheet.resumePaint(); } } }); new Vue({ render: h => h(App) }).$mount("#app"); </script>
<!doctype html> <html style="height:100%;font-size:14px;"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$DEMOROOT$/zh/vue/node_modules/@grapecity-software/spread-sheets/styles/gc.spread.sheets.excel2013white.css"> <!-- SystemJS --> <script src="$DEMOROOT$/zh/vue/node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"></script> <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script> <script> System.import('./src/app.vue'); System.import('$DEMOROOT$/zh/lib/vue/license.js'); </script> </head> <body> <div id="app"></div> </body> </html>
import GC from "@grapecity-software/spread-sheets"; const spreadNS = GC.Spread.Sheets; //Custom Cell Type export class FivePointedStarCellType { constructor() { this.size = 10; } } FivePointedStarCellType.prototype = new spreadNS.CellTypes.Base(); FivePointedStarCellType.prototype.paint = function(ctx, value, x, y, w, h, style, context) { if (!ctx) { return; } ctx.save(); // draw inside the cell's boundary ctx.rect(x, y, w, h); ctx.clip(); ctx.beginPath(); if (value) { ctx.fillStyle = "orange"; } else { ctx.fillStyle = "gray"; } var size = this.size; var dx = x + w / 2; var dy = y + h / 2; ctx.beginPath(); var dig = Math.PI / 5 * 4; ctx.moveTo(dx + Math.sin(0 * dig) * size, dy + Math.cos(0 * dig) * size); for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) { ctx.lineTo(dx + Math.sin(i * dig) * size, dy + Math.cos(i * dig) * size); } ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); ctx.restore(); }; FivePointedStarCellType.prototype.getHitInfo = function(x, y, cellStyle, cellRect, context) { var xm = cellRect.x + cellRect.width / 2, ym = cellRect.y + cellRect.height / 2, size = 10; var info = { x: x, y: y, row: context.row, col: context.col, cellRect: cellRect, sheetArea: context.sheetArea }; if (xm - size <= x && x <= xm + size && ym - size <= y && y <= ym + size) { info.isReservedLocation = true; } return info; }; FivePointedStarCellType.prototype.processMouseUp = function(hitInfo) { var sheet = hitInfo.sheet; if (sheet && hitInfo.isReservedLocation) { var row = hitInfo.row, col = hitInfo.col, sheetArea = hitInfo.sheetArea; var newValue = !sheet.getValue(row, col, sheetArea); var spread = sheet.getParent(); spread.commandManager().execute({ cmd: "editCell", sheetName: sheet.name(), row: row, col: col, newValue: newValue }); return true; } return false; }; export class FullNameCellType { } FullNameCellType.prototype = new spreadNS.CellTypes.Base(); FullNameCellType.prototype.paint = function(ctx, value, x, y, w, h, style, options) { if (value) { spreadNS.CellTypes.Base.prototype.paint.apply(this, [ctx, value.firstName + "." + value.lastName, x, y, w, h, style, options]); } }; FullNameCellType.prototype.updateEditor = function(editorContext, cellStyle, cellRect) { if (editorContext) { editorContext.style.width = cellRect.width; editorContext.style.height = 100; return { height: 100 }; } }; FullNameCellType.prototype.createEditorElement = function() { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.setAttribute("gcUIElement", "gcEditingInput"); div.style.backgroundColor = "white"; div.style.overflow = "hidden"; var span1 = document.createElement('span'); span1.style.display = "block"; var span2 = document.createElement("span"); span2.style.display = "block"; var input1 = document.createElement("input"); var input2 = document.createElement("input"); var type = document.createAttribute('type'); type.nodeValue = "text"; var clonedType = type.cloneNode(true); input1.setAttributeNode(type); input2.setAttributeNode(clonedType); div.appendChild(span1); div.appendChild(input1); div.appendChild(span2); div.appendChild(input2); return div; }; FullNameCellType.prototype.getEditorValue = function(editorContext) { if (editorContext && editorContext.children.length === 4) { var input1 = editorContext.children[1]; var firstName = input1.value; var input2 = editorContext.children[3]; var lastName = input2.value; return { firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName }; } }; FullNameCellType.prototype.setEditorValue = function(editorContext, value) { if (editorContext && editorContext.children.length === 4) { var span1 = editorContext.children[0]; span1.innerHTML = "First Name:"; var span2 = editorContext.children[2]; span2.innerHTML = "Last Name:"; if (value) { var input1 = editorContext.children[1]; input1.value = value.firstName; var input2 = editorContext.children[3]; input2.value = value.lastName; } } }; FullNameCellType.prototype.isReservedKey = function(e) { //cell type handle tab key by itself return (e.keyCode === GC.Spread.Commands.Key.tab && !e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey); }; FullNameCellType.prototype.isEditingValueChanged = function(oldValue, newValue) { if (newValue.firstName != oldValue.firstName || newValue.lastName != oldValue.lastName) { return true; } return false; };
.sample-tutorial { position: relative; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } .sample-spreadsheets{ height: 100%; } body { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; }
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