Menu with dynamic items

You can define Menu items dynamically, and provide them with rich custom HTML content.

Learn about Input Controls | Menu API Reference

import 'bootstrap.css'; import '@grapecity/wijmo.styles/wijmo.css'; import './styles.css'; // import * as wijmo from '@grapecity/wijmo'; import * as input from '@grapecity/wijmo.input'; // import { getMusicians, getPalettes } from './data'; // document.readyState === 'complete' ? init() : window.onload = init; // function init() { const template = '<div style="min-width: 160px">' + '{itemIndex}. <b>{name}</b>' + '</div>'; const photoTemplate = '<div style="min-width: 160px">' + '{itemIndex}. <b>{name}</b>' + '<div><img src="{photo}" height="50" /></div>' + '</div>'; // create file and edit menus const templateMenu = createTemplateMenu('templateMenu'); const paletteMenu = createPaletteMenu('paletteMenu'); templateMenu.itemClicked.addHandler(menuItemClicked); // handle menu clicks: this method gets invoked when the menu's itemClicked event fires function menuItemClicked(menu) { alert(`You selected option **${menu.selectedIndex}** from menu **${menu.header}**`); } // // create menu from markup function createTemplateMenu(elementId) { // get host element const host = document.getElementById(elementId), items = getMusicians(), menuItems = []; // for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { let item = { id: i, name: items[i], photo: '|Paul|John|George|Ringo|' .indexOf('|' + items[i] + '|') >= 0 ? 'resources/' + items[i] + '.png' : null }; menuItems.push(item); } // // clear host and instantiate menu host.innerHTML = ''; const menu = new input.Menu(host, { header: 'Artists', itemsSource: menuItems, formatItem: (sender, e) => { const tpl = ? photoTemplate : template; = e.index + 1; const html = wijmo.format(tpl,, (data, name, fmt, val) => { return wijmo.isString(data[name]) ? wijmo.escapeHtml(data[name]) : val; }); e.item.innerHTML = html; } }); // // done, return menu return menu; } function createPaletteMenu(elementId) { // get host element const host = document.getElementById(elementId); // const palettes = getPalettes(); // clear host and instantiate menu host.innerHTML = ''; const palettesSource = []; palettes.forEach((palette) => { let colors = ''; palette.colors.forEach((color) => { colors += `<div style="background-color: ${color};` + 'display:inline;padding:2px;height:10px;width:3px"></div>'; }); palettesSource.push(`<div>${}<span style="float:right">` + `${colors}</span></div>`); }); const menu = new input.Menu(host, { header: `Palette: <b>${palettesSource[0]}</b>`, itemsSource: palettesSource, selectedIndex: 0, selectedIndexChanged: (sender) => { if (sender.selectedIndex > -1) { sender.header = `Palette: <b>${sender.selectedItem}</b>`; } }, }); // // done, return menu return menu; } }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>MESCIUS Wijmo Menu</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!-- SystemJS --> <script src="node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"></script> <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script> <script> System.import('./src/app'); </script> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <p> This Menu is bound to an array of items' data using the <b>itemsSource</b> property, and customizes items content using a <b>formatItem</b> event. </p> <div class="form-group"> <div id="templateMenu"></div> </div> <p> For this Menu we generate an array of HTML strings representing items content, and bind the menu to this string array using the <b>itemsSource</b> property. </p> <div class="form-group"> <div id="paletteMenu"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
export function getPalettes() { return [ { name: 'Standard', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#FFBE00', '#FFFF00', '#94D752', '#00B652', '#00B6EF', '#0075C6', '#002263', '#73359C'] }, { name: 'Office', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#15487B', '#EFEFE7', '#4A82BD', '#C6504A', '#9CBA5A', '#8465A5', '#4AAEC6', '#F79642'] }, { name: 'GrayScale', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#000000', '#FFFFFF', '#DEDEDE', '#B4B4B4', '#969696', '#828282', '#5A5A5A', '#4B4B4B'] }, { name: 'Apex', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#6B656B', '#CEC3D6', '#CEBA63', '#9CB284', '#6BB2CE', '#6386CE', '#7B69CE', '#A578BD'] }, { name: 'Aspect', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#332E33', '#E7DFD6', '#F77D00', '#382733', '#15597B', '#4A8642', '#63487B', '#C69A5A'] }, { name: 'Civic', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#636984', '#C6D3D6', '#D6604A', '#CEB600', '#28AEAD', '#8C7873', '#8CB28C', '#0E924A'] }, { name: 'Concourse', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#424442', '#DEF7FF', '#2BA2BD', '#DE1C2B', '#EF6515', '#38609C', '#42487B', '#7B3D4A'] }, { name: 'Equity', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#6B6563', '#EFE7DE', '#D64815', '#9C2B15', '#A58E6B', '#946052', '#948684', '#845D5A'] }, { name: 'Flow', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#00607B', '#DEF7FF', '#006DC6', '#009EDE', '#00D3DE', '#15CF9C', '#7BCB63', '#A5C34A'] }, { name: 'Foundry', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#636952', '#EFEBDE', '#73A273', '#B5CFB5', '#ADCFD6', '#C6BEAD', '#CEC794', '#EFB6B5'] }, { name: 'Median', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#735D52', '#EFDFC6', '#94B6D6', '#DE8242', '#A5AA84', '#DEB25A', '#7BA69C', '#948E8C'] }, { name: 'Metro', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#4A596B', '#D6EFFF', '#7BD338', '#EF157B', '#FFBA00', '#00AEDE', '#738ACE', '#15B29C'] }, { name: 'Module', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#5A607B', '#D6D7D6', '#F7AE00', '#63B6CE', '#E76D7B', '#6BB66B', '#EF8652', '#C64842'] }, { name: 'Opulent', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#B53D9C', '#F7E7EF', '#BD3D6B', '#AD65BD', '#DE6D33', '#FFB638', '#CE6DA5', '#FF8E38'] }, { name: 'Oriel', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#525D6B', '#FFF39C', '#FF8633', '#739ADE', '#B52B15', '#F7CF2B', '#ADBAD6', '#737D84'] }, { name: 'Origin', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#424452', '#DEEBEF', '#737DA5', '#9CBACE', '#D6DB7B', '#FFDB7B', '#BD8673', '#8C726B'] }, { name: 'Paper', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#424C22', '#FFFBCE', '#A5B694', '#F7A642', '#E7BE2B', '#D692A5', '#9C86C6', '#849EC6'] }, { name: 'Solstice', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#4A2215', '#E7DFCE', '#3892A5', '#FFBA00', '#C62B2B', '#84AA33', '#944200', '#42598C'] }, { name: 'Technic', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#383838', '#D6D3D6', '#6BA2B5', '#CEAE00', '#8C8AA5', '#738663', '#9C9273', '#7B868C'] }, { name: 'Trek', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#4A3833', '#FFEFCE', '#F7A22B', '#A5654A', '#B58A84', '#C69A6B', '#A59673', '#C6752B'] }, { name: 'Urban', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#424452', '#DEDFDE', '#52558C', '#428284', '#A54CA5', '#C6652B', '#8C5D38', '#5A92B5'] }, { name: 'Verve', colors: ['#fff', '#000', '#636563', '#D6D3D6', '#FF388C', '#E7005A', '#9C007B', '#6B007B', '#0059D6', '#00359C'] }, { name: 'standard', colors: ['#88bde6', '#fbb258', '#90cd97', '#f6aac9', '#bfa554', '#bc99c7', '#eddd46', '#f07e6e', '#8c8c8c'] }, { name: 'cocoa', colors: ['#466bb0', '#c8b422', '#14886e', '#b54836', '#6e5944', '#8b3872', '#73b22b', '#b87320', '#141414'] }, { name: 'coral', colors: ['#84d0e0', '#f48256', '#95c78c', '#efa5d6', '#ba8452', '#ab95c2', '#ede9d0', '#e96b7d', '#888888'] }, { name: 'dark', colors: ['#005fad', '#f06400', '#009330', '#e400b1', '#b65800', '#6a279c', '#d5a211', '#dc0127', '#000000'] }, { name: 'highcontrast', colors: ['#ff82b0', '#0dda2c', '#0021ab', '#bcf28c', '#19c23b', '#890d3a', '#607efd', '#1b7700', '#000000'] }, { name: 'light', colors: ['#ddca9a', '#778deb', '#778deb', '#b5eae2', '#7270be', '#a6c7a7', '#9e95c7', '#95b0c7', '#9b9b9b'] }, { name: 'midnight', colors: ['#83aaca', '#e37849', '#14a46a', '#e097da', '#a26d54', '#a584b7', '#d89c54', '#e86996', '#2c343b'] }, { name: 'minimal', colors: ['#92b8da', '#e2d287', '#accdb8', '#eac4cb', '#bbbb7a', '#cab1ca', '#cbd877', '#dfb397', '#c8c8c8'] }, { name: 'modern', colors: ['#2d9fc7', '#ec993c', '#89c235', '#e377a4', '#a68931', '#a672a6', '#d0c041', '#e35855', '#68706a'] }, { name: 'organic', colors: ['#9c88d9', '#a3d767', '#8ec3c0', '#e9c3a9', '#91ab36', '#d4ccc0', '#61bbd8', '#e2d76f', '#80715a'] }, { name: 'slate', colors: ['#7493cd', '#f99820', '#71b486', '#e4a491', '#cb883b', '#ae83a4', '#bacc5c', '#e5746a', '#505d65'] } ]; } export function getMusicians() { return 'Paul,Mark,Pete,Ringo,Luke,Jacob,John,Nate,Zym,George,Toom,Crash,Boom,Dewd'.split(','); }
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