
A Kagi chart displays supply and demand trends using a sequence of linked vertical lines. The thickness and direction of the lines vary depending on the price movement. If closing prices go in the direction of the previous Kagi line, then that Kagi line is extended. However, if the closing price reverses by the preset reversal amount, a new Kagi line is charted in the next column in the opposite direction. Thin lines indicate that the price breaks the previous low (supply) while thick lines indicate that the price breaks the previous high (demand).

import 'bootstrap.css'; import '@grapecity/wijmo.styles/wijmo.css'; import './styles.css'; import * as core from '@grapecity/wijmo'; import * as input from '@grapecity/wijmo.input'; import * as finance from '@grapecity/wijmo.chart.finance'; import { getData } from './data'; // document.readyState === 'complete' ? init() : window.onload = init; // function init() { // create the chart let data = getData(); let theChart = new finance.FinancialChart('#theChart', { itemsSource: data, bindingX: 'date', chartType: 'Kagi', series: [ { binding: 'high,low,open,close', style: { stroke: 'rgb(136, 189, 230)' }, altStyle: { stroke: 'rgb(136, 189, 230)' }, name: 'Facebook' } ], options: { kagi: { reversalAmount: 1, rangeMode: 'Fixed', fields: 'Close' } }, legend: { position: 'None' }, tooltip: { content: function (ht) { var date = ht.item && ht.item.date ? ht.item.date : null, content = ''; if (core.isDate(date)) { date = core.Globalize.formatDate(date, 'MM/dd/yy'); } if (ht && ht.item) { content = '<b>' + ht.name + '</b><br/>' + 'Date: ' + date + '<br/>' + 'Open: ' + core.Globalize.format(ht.item.open, 'n2') + '<br/>' + 'High: ' + core.Globalize.format(ht.item.high, 'n2') + '<br/>' + 'Low: ' + core.Globalize.format(ht.item.low, 'n2') + '<br/>' + 'Close: ' + core.Globalize.format(ht.item.close, 'n2') + '<br/>' + 'Volume: ' + core.Globalize.format(ht.item.volume, 'n0'); } return content; } } }); // let revAmount = new input.InputNumber('#inputRevAmount', { step: 1, min: 0, value: 1, format: 'n0', valueChanged: function (sender) { if (sender == null || sender.value < sender.min) { return; } theChart.options.kagi.reversalAmount = sender.value; theChart.invalidate(); } }); // let rangeMode = new input.Menu('#selRangeMode', { selectedValue: 'Fixed', itemClicked: function (sender) { theChart.options.kagi.rangeMode = sender.selectedValue; var reversalInput = revAmount; if (sender.selectedValue === 'Percentage') { reversalInput.format = 'p0'; reversalInput.min = 0; reversalInput.max = 1; reversalInput.value = core.clamp(reversalInput.value, 0, .05); reversalInput.step = 0.05; } else if (sender.selectedValue === 'ATR') { reversalInput.format = 'n0'; reversalInput.min = 2; reversalInput.max = data.length - 2; reversalInput.value = core.clamp(reversalInput.value, 14, data.length - 2); reversalInput.step = 1; } else { reversalInput.format = 'n0'; reversalInput.min = 1; reversalInput.max = null; reversalInput.value = 1; reversalInput.step = 1; } updateMenuHeader(rangeMode, 'Range Mode'); theChart.invalidate(); } }); updateMenuHeader(rangeMode, 'Range Mode'); // let dataFields = new input.Menu('#selDataFields', { selectedValue: 'Close', itemClicked: function (sender) { theChart.options.kagi.fields = sender.selectedValue; updateMenuHeader(dataFields, 'Data Fields'); theChart.invalidate(); } }); updateMenuHeader(dataFields, 'Data Fields'); // let series = theChart.series[0]; let stroke = new input.InputColor('#inputStroke', { value: 'rgb(136, 189, 230)', valueChanged: function (sender) { let color = sender.value; series.style.stroke = color; theChart.invalidate(); } }); let altStroke = new input.InputColor('#inputAltStroke', { value: 'rgb(136, 189, 230)', valueChanged: function (sender) { let color = sender.value; series.altStyle.stroke = color; theChart.invalidate(); } }); } // show menu header and current value function updateMenuHeader(menu, header) { menu.header = header ? header + ': <b>' + menu.text + '</b>' : menu.text; }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>MESCIUS Wijmo FlexChart Kagi</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!-- SystemJS --> <script src="node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"></script> <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script> <script> System.import('./src/app'); </script> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <div id="theChart"></div> <!-- Settings --> <div class="panel-group" id="settings"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-collapse collapse in"> <div class="panel-body"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li> <label>Reversal Amount</label> <input id="inputRevAmount" /> </li> <li> <select id="selRangeMode"> <option value="Fixed">Fixed</option> <option value="ATR">Average True Range</option> <option value="Percentage">Percentage</option> </select> </li> <li> <select id="selDataFields"> <option value="High">High</option> <option value="Low">Low</option> <option value="Open">Open</option> <option value="Close">Close</option> <option value="HighLow">High/Low</option> <option value=&qu