Object with attributes to apply to the cell content element.
Base value (position of the Y-axis) on a sparkline.
Setting this value to null causes the chart to calculate the base value automatically so the chart fills the vertical extent of the cell. This is a good option to highlight relative changes, and is used by default for Sparklines of type SparklineType.Line.
Setting this value to an absolute number (like zero) is a better option to show absolute changes, and is used by default for Sparklines of type SparklineType.Column.
Function to be executed when the element is clicked.
Template string used to set the element's CSS class names.
Template string used to set the element's "aria-label" attribute.
Markers to add to Sparkline points.
Maximum number of points to use in the sparkline or sparkbar.
Setting this value to null causes the cell to show all points.
Type of Sparkline to create.
The default type is SparklineType.Line.
Specifies parameters used to create Sparkline cells with the CellMaker.makeSparkline method.