KnockoutJS binding for the Menu control.
Use the wjMenu binding to add Menu controls to your KnockoutJS applications. For example:
<p>Here is a Menu control used as a value picker:</p> <div data-bind="wjMenu: { value: tax, header: 'Tax' }"> <span data-bind="wjMenuItem: { value: 0 }">Exempt</span> <span data-bind="wjMenuSeparator: {}"></span> <span data-bind="wjMenuItem: { value: .05 }">5%</span> <span data-bind="wjMenuItem: { value: .1 }">10%</span> <span data-bind="wjMenuItem: { value: .15 }">15%</span> </div>
The wjMenu binding may contain the following child bindings: wjMenuItem, wjMenuSeparator.
The wjMenu binding supports all read-write properties and events of the Menu control. The following properties provide two-way binding mode:
KnockoutJS binding for the Menu control.
Use the wjMenu binding to add Menu controls to your KnockoutJS applications. For example:
The wjMenu binding may contain the following child bindings: wjMenuItem, wjMenuSeparator.
The wjMenu binding supports all read-write properties and events of the Menu control. The following properties provide two-way binding mode: