KnockoutJS binding for the PlotArea object.
Use the wjFlexChartPlotArea binding to add PlotArea object to your KnockoutJS applications. For example:
<p>Here is a PlotArea:</p> <div data-bind="wjFlexChart: { itemsSource: data, bindingX: 'country' }"> <div data-bind="wjFlexChartAxis: { wjProperty: 'axisX', title: 'country' }"></div> <div data-bind="wjFlexChartSeries: { name: 'Sales', binding: 'sales' }"></div> <div data-bind="wjFlexChartPlotArea: { row:0, name:'plot1', style:{ fill: 'rgba(136,189,230,0.2)'} } "></div> </div>
The wjFlexChartPlotArea binding supports all read-write properties and events of the PlotArea class.
KnockoutJS binding for the PlotArea object.
Use the wjFlexChartPlotArea binding to add PlotArea object to your KnockoutJS applications. For example:
The wjFlexChartPlotArea binding supports all read-write properties and events of the PlotArea class.