
有时,你可能会让用户通过选择一片区域而不是手动输入来指定一片区域(例如 “Sheet1!$A$5:$C$10”)。 区域选择器会返回一段表示一个或多个区域的文本(例如 “Sheet1!A1:B5,Sheet2!G11”)。

如果你想使用区域选择模式,你只需要创建一个带有选项 {rangeSelectMode: true} 的公式编辑器。例如: 你可以使用FormulaTextBox的workbook方法把公式编辑器附加到workbook上。例如: 如果 fbx1.workbook() 不含参数, 它将脱离范围选择。 你可以使用FormulaTextBox的text方法获取公式编辑器的文本。例如: 你可以使用FormulaTextBox的destory方法删除对应的DOM元素。例如:
window.onload = function () { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), {sheetCount: 2}); initSpread(spread); var fbx = new GC.Spread.Sheets.FormulaTextBox.FormulaTextBox(document.getElementById('formulaBar'), {rangeSelectMode: true}); fbx.workbook(spread); document.getElementById('getValue').onclick = function () { document.getElementById('rangeText').textContent = fbx.text(); }; }; function initSpread(spread) { var spreadNS = GC.Spread.Sheets; var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); sheet.suspendPaint(); var cfs = sheet.conditionalFormats; var Range = spreadNS.Range; var row = 0, col = 1; sheet.getCell(row, ++col).value("Icon Set").font("700 11pt Calibri"); sheet.addSpan(row, col, 1, 10); sheet.addSpan(row + 6, col, 1, 10); row++; for (var column = col; column < col + 10; column++) { sheet.getCell(row, column).value(-50); sheet.getCell(row + 1, column).value(-25); sheet.getCell(row + 2, column).value(0); sheet.getCell(row + 3, column).value(25); sheet.getCell(row + 4, column).value(50); sheet.getCell(row + 6, column).value(-50); sheet.getCell(row + 7, column).value(-25); sheet.getCell(row + 8, column).value(0); sheet.getCell(row + 9, column).value(25); sheet.getCell(row + 10, column).value(50); } var rowCount = 5; cfs.addIconSetRule(0, [new Range(row, col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(1, [new Range(row, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(2, [new Range(row, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(3, [new Range(row, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(4, [new Range(row, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(5, [new Range(row, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(6, [new Range(row, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(7, [new Range(row, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(8, [new Range(row, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(9, [new Range(row, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); col = 1; cfs.addIconSetRule(10, [new Range(row + 6, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(11, [new Range(row + 6, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(12, [new Range(row + 6, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(13, [new Range(row + 6, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(14, [new Range(row + 6, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(15, [new Range(row + 6, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(16, [new Range(row + 6, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(17, [new Range(row + 6, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(18, [new Range(row + 6, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); cfs.addIconSetRule(19, [new Range(row + 6, ++col, rowCount, 1)]); sheet.resumePaint(); }
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