Use the wj-menu directive to add drop-down menus to your AngularJS applications.
Note that directive and parameter names must be formatted as lower-case with dashes
instead of camel-case. For example:
<p>Here is a Menu control used as a value picker:</p>
<wj-menu header="Tax" value="tax">
<wj-menu-item value="0">Exempt</wj-menu-item>
<wj-menu-item value=".05">5%</wj-menu-item>
<wj-menu-item value=".1">10%</wj-menu-item>
<wj-menu-item value=".15">15%</wj-menu-item>
This example creates three Menu controls. The first is used as a value picker,
the second uses a list of commands with parameters, and the third is a group of
three menus handled by an itemClicked function in the controller.
AngularJS directive for the Menu control.
Use the wj-menu directive to add drop-down menus to your AngularJS applications. Note that directive and parameter names must be formatted as lower-case with dashes instead of camel-case. For example:
This example creates three Menu controls. The first is used as a value picker, the second uses a list of commands with parameters, and the third is a group of three menus handled by an itemClicked function in the controller.
The wj-menu directive extends wijmo.angular.input.WjComboBox with the following attributes:
The command to be executed when the item is clicked.@
The name of the property that contains command parameters.@
The text shown on the control.@
Whether the menu should react to clicks on its header area.@
The value of the selected wj-menu-item value property.&
The Menu.itemClicked event handler.&
The Menu.gotFocus event handler.&
The Menu.lostFocus event handler.The wj-menu directive may contain the following child directives: wijmo.angular.input.WjMenuItem, wijmo.angular.input.WjMenuSeparator and wijmo.angular.input.WjItemTemplate(in case of data-bound Menu control).