'' This code is part of Document Solutions for Word demos.
'' Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
Imports System.Drawing
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Word

'' This sample creates a simple table,
'' and demonstrates the following table related tasks:
'' - Applying table styles (borders and padding);
'' - Adding rows and cells;
'' - Removing rows;
'' - Fetching text from a specific cell;
'' - Applying character style to a specific cell.
Public Class SimpleTable
    Function CreateDocx() As GcWordDocument
        Dim doc = New GcWordDocument()

        '' Random-ish table dimensions:
        Dim rand = Util.NewRandom()
        Dim rows = rand.Next(15, 100)
        Dim cols = rand.Next(4, 6)
        Dim getrow = rand.Next(0, 10)
        Dim getcol = rand.Next(0, 4)
        Dim badrow = 12 '' index 12 === number 13 :)

        Dim section = doc.Body.Sections.First
        Dim header = section.GetRange().Paragraphs.Add(
            $"A {cols} columns by {rows} rows table (note that the there's no 'row {badrow + 1}'):")

        '' Add an empty table:
        Dim t = section.GetRange().Tables.Add(0, 0)

        '' Add some rows and cells to it:
        Dim cells = New List(Of String)(cols)
        For col = 1 To cols
        For row = 0 To rows - 1
            For col = 0 To cols - 1
                cells(col) = $"Row {row + 1}, col {col + 1}"

        '' Remove a row:

        '' Create a new table style:
        Dim ts1 = doc.Styles.Add("Table Style 1", StyleType.Table)
        '' Assign the style to the table:
        t.Style = ts1

        '' We can enumerate all table borders, including inside borders:
        For Each border In ts1.Table.Borders
            border.LineStyle = LineStyle.Triple
            border.LineWidth = 0.5F
            border.Color.RGB = Color.Purple
        '' Overwrite inside border's line styles:
        ts1.Table.Borders.InsideHorizontal.LineStyle = LineStyle.Double
        ts1.Table.Borders.InsideVertical.LineStyle = LineStyle.Double
        '' Add some cell padding:
        ts1.Table.Padding.All = 2

        '' Finally, fetch the text from a certain cell and insert it befor the table:

        '' Fetching the text from a cell: because we know exactly the structure of our table,
        '' we can do this without any checks:
        '' - get the cell at index 'getcol' in row 'getrow',
        '' - first child fetches the paragraph,
        '' - next child fetches the run,
        '' - finally, next child fetches the actual text element:
        Dim text = CType(t.Rows(getrow).Cells(getcol).Children.First().Children.First().Children.First(), Text)
        '' Get the parent run:
        Dim run = CType(text.ParentContent, Run)
        '' Mark the found cell with bold/italic font:
        Dim rs1 = doc.Styles.Add("cell hi-light", StyleType.Character)
        rs1.Font.Bold = True
        rs1.Font.Italic = True
        run.Style = rs1
        '' Add the fetched text from cell (2,0) before the document's opening paragraph, 
        '' using the same character style:
        Dim pp = header.GetRange().Paragraphs.Insert(
            $"Text from cell at row {getrow + 1}, col {getcol + 1} (drawn with bold/italic font): """, InsertLocation.Before)
        Dim r = pp.GetRange().Runs.Add(text.Value)
        r.Style = rs1

        '' Done:
        Return doc
    End Function
End Class