'' This code is part of Document Solutions for Word demos.
'' Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Globalization
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Word

'' This sample uses data templates to print the list of sea names
'' from a simple hierarchical data source.
Public Class DataTplNestedList
    Function CreateDocx() As GcWordDocument
        '' The data source (ocean And sea data from Wikipedia):
        Dim oceans =
            New With {.name = "Pacific", .areaOfWorldOcean = 0.466, .volumeOfWorldOcean = 0.501, .seas =
                {New With {.name = "Australasian Mediterranean Sea"}, New With {.name = "Philippine Sea"}, New With {.name = "Coral Sea"}, New With {.name = "South China Sea"}}},
            New With {.name = "Atlantic", .areaOfWorldOcean = 0.235, .volumeOfWorldOcean = 0.233, .seas =
                {New With {.name = "Sargasso Sea"}, New With {.name = "Caribbean Sea"}, New With {.name = "Mediterranean Sea"}, New With {.name = "Gulf of Guinea"}}},
            New With {.name = "Indian", .areaOfWorldOcean = 0.195, .volumeOfWorldOcean = 0.198, .seas =
                {New With {.name = "Arabian Sea"}, New With {.name = "Bay of Bengal"}, New With {.name = "Andaman Sea"}, New With {.name = "Laccadive Sea"}}},
            New With {.name = "Southern", .areaOfWorldOcean = 0.061, .volumeOfWorldOcean = 0.054, .seas =
                {New With {.name = "Weddell Sea"}, New With {.name = "Somov Sea"}, New With {.name = "Riiser-Larsen Sea"}, New With {.name = "Lazarev Sea"}}},
            New With {.name = "Arctic", .areaOfWorldOcean = 0.043, .volumeOfWorldOcean = 0.014, .seas =
                {New With {.name = "Barents Sea"}, New With {.name = "Greenland Sea"}, New With {.name = "East Siberian Sea"}, New With {.name = "Kara Sea"}}}

        Dim doc = New GcWordDocument()

        '' Add the data source to the data template data sources
        '' (note that in this release, only one data source can be added):
        doc.DataTemplate.DataSources.Add("ds", oceans)

        '' Add list templates for the two-level list:
        Dim listTplTop = doc.ListTemplates.Add(BuiltInListTemplateId.NumberArabicParenthesis, "listTplTop")
        Dim listTplNested = doc.ListTemplates.Add(BuiltInListTemplateId.BulletDefault, "listTplNested")

        '' Print 'ocean - area % of world ocean' at the top list level:
        Dim p1 = doc.Body.Paragraphs.Add("{{#ds}}{{name}} - {{areaOfWorldOcean}:format(0.#%)}")
        p1.ListFormat.Template = listTplTop
        '' Print the ocean's largest sea names as the nested list:
        Dim p2 = doc.Body.Paragraphs.Add("{{}}{{/ds}}")
        p2.ListFormat.Template = listTplNested
        p2.ListFormat.LevelNumber = 1

        '' This call expands all data templates in the document,
        '' replacing template tags with data (iterating over all data items):

        '' Done
        Return doc
    End Function
End Class