// This code is part of Document Solutions for Word demos.
// Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using GrapeCity.Documents.Word;
namespace DsWordWeb.Demos
// This sample shows how to insert hyperlinks into a Word document
// using the Range.Hyperlinks collection.
// It adds some external hyperlinks to Web sites,
// and also hyperlinks to bookmarks within the document.
// This sample is very similar to HyperlinkFields,
// but unlike that sample uses hyperlinks collections
// rather than HYPERLINK fields.
public class Hyperlinks
public GcWordDocument CreateDocx()
var doc = new GcWordDocument();
var section = doc.Body.Sections.First;
var pars = section.GetRange().Paragraphs;
// 0. Paragraph with an external hyperlink:
var p = pars.Add(
"It is easy to add hyperlinks to document content via Range.Hyperlinks collection. " +
"Following is a hyperlink to a web address. ");
// There are different Hyperlinks.Add() overloads that allow to specify
// different hyperlink options such as screen tips etc:
var hl0 = p.GetRange().Hyperlinks.Add(new Uri("http://www.google.com"), null, "Click to go to www.google.com.");
// 1. Paragraph with an external hyperlink with its own style:
p = pars.Add("Next is another hyperlink, this time with its own style and a custom tooltip. ");
var hl1 = p.GetRange().Hyperlinks.Add(new Uri("https://www.grapecity.com/en/"), null, "Click to go to www.grapecity.com.", "Click to open GrapeCity web page");
// 2. Link to a bookmark within the document:
// We add bookmarks at the top and bottom of the document,
// and set up links to jump between them.
var bmkTop = "BookmarkTop";
var bmkBot = "BookmarkEnd";
p = pars.Add(
"Hyperlinks can also point to locations within the document. " +
"We add some filler paragraphs below, followed by a paragraph " +
$"with a bookmark named '{bmkBot}' attached to it. " +
"The next hyperlink jumps to that bookmark. ");
// Attach a bookmark to this paragraph so we can jump back here:
// A hyperlink to a bookmark:
var hl2 = p.GetRange().Hyperlinks.Add($"{bmkBot}", $"Click to jump to {bmkBot} at the end of the document.", $"Jumo to {bmkBot}");
hl2.GetRange().Runs.First.Style = doc.Styles[BuiltInStyleId.FollowedHyperlink];
// Add filler, bookmarked paragraph after it, and
// a link to jump back:
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
pars.Add($"Filler paragraph {i}.");
var pb = pars.Add($"{bmkBot} points here. ");
var hl3 = pb.GetRange().Hyperlinks.Add($"{bmkTop}", $"Jump back to {bmkTop}.", $"Jumo to {bmkTop}");
hl3.GetRange().Runs.First.Style = doc.Styles[BuiltInStyleId.FollowedHyperlink];
// Done:
return doc;