// This code is part of Document Solutions for Word demos.
// Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Globalization;
using GrapeCity.Documents.Word;

namespace DsWordWeb.Demos
    // This data template sample prints an invoice containing the list
    // of products in the purchase order.
    // The invoice data is generated for a randomly selected
    // order from the sample DsNWind database.
    public class DataTplOrderInvoice
        public GcWordDocument CreateDocx(int _ = 0)
            using var ds = new DataSet();
            // Load the sample database, fetch a random supplier
            // and a random order from that supplier:
            ds.ReadXml(Path.Combine("Resources", "data", "DsNWind.xml"));

            // Database tables used by the invoice:
            var dtSuppliers = ds.Tables["Suppliers"];
            var dtOrders = ds.Tables["OrdersCustomersEmployees"];
            var dtOrdersDetails = ds.Tables["EmployeesProductsOrders"];

            // Collect order data:
            var random = Util.NewRandom();

            var fetchedIndex = random.Next(dtSuppliers.Select().Count());
            var supplier =
                .Select(it => new
                    SupplierID = Convert.ToInt32(it["SupplierID"]),
                    CompanyName = it["CompanyName"].ToString(),
                    ContactName = it["ContactName"].ToString(),
                    ContactTitle = it["ContactTitle"].ToString(),
                    Address = it["Address"].ToString(),
                    City = it["City"].ToString(),
                    Region = it["Region"].ToString(),
                    PostalCode = it["PostalCode"].ToString(),
                    Country = it["Country"].ToString(),
                    Phone = it["Phone"].ToString(),
                    Fax = it["Fax"].ToString(),
                    HomePage = it["HomePage"].ToString()

            fetchedIndex = random.Next(dtOrders.Select().Count());
            var order = dtOrders.Select()
                .Select(it => new
                    OrderDate = it["OrderDate"],
                    OrderID = Convert.ToInt32(it["OrderID"]),
                    CompanyName = it["CompanyName"].ToString(),
                    Name = $"{it["FirstName"]} {it["LastName"]}",
                    Address = $"{it["ShipAddress"]},\n{it["ShipCity"]} {it["ShipRegion"]} {it["ShipPostalCode"]} {it["ShipCountry"]}",
                    Email = GetEmail(it["FirstName"].ToString(), it["LastName"].ToString(), it["CompanyName"].ToString()),

            var orderDetails = dtOrdersDetails.Select()
                .Select(it => new
                    OrderID = Convert.ToInt32(it["OrderID"]),
                    ProductName = it["ProductName"].ToString(),
                    UnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(it["UnitPrice"]),
                    Quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(it["Quantity"]),
                    Total = Convert.ToDecimal(it["UnitPrice"]) * Convert.ToDecimal(it["Quantity"]),
                .Where(it => it.OrderID == order.OrderID)
                .OrderBy(it => it.ProductName).ToList();

            // Finally, prep the integrated data source for the template:
            var data = new
                o = order,
                ps = orderDetails,
                total = orderDetails.Sum(od_ => od_.Total),

            // Load the template DOCX, add the data source and process the template:
            var doc = new GcWordDocument();
            doc.Load(Path.Combine("Resources", "WordDocs", "InvoiceTemplate.docx"));
            doc.DataTemplate.DataSources.Add("ds", data);

            // Done:
            return doc;

        // Generate a sample email address from other data:
        private string GetEmail(string firstName, string lastName, string companyName)
            var x = new string(companyName.ToLower().Where(c_ => char.IsLetterOrDigit(c_)).ToArray());
            return $"{firstName.ToLower()}.{char.ToLower(lastName[0])}@{x}.com";

        public static List<string[]> GetSampleParamsList()
            return new List<string[]>()
                new string[] { "@data-templates/Order Invoice", "Generate the invoice for a random order fetched from a database", null },
                new string[] { "@use-data-tpl/Order Invoice", "Generate the invoice for a random order fetched from a database", null },