// This code is part of Document Solutions for Word demos.
// Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using GrapeCity.Documents.Word;
using GcFont = GrapeCity.Documents.Word.Font;
namespace DsWordWeb.Demos
// This sample shows the use of new in v4.2 FormattingCopyStrategy.KeepSource option.
// That option allows to keep source formatting even when copying content
// between documents, and when the documents have similarly named but different styles .
public class CopyKeepSource
public GcWordDocument CreateDocx()
// The name of the style used in both documents:
const string styleName = "X-style";
// The target document:
var doc = new GcWordDocument();
// Add a paragraph style to the target document:
var xStyleTgt = doc.Styles.Add(styleName, StyleType.Paragraph);
xStyleTgt.Font.Color.RGB = Color.Blue;
xStyleTgt.Font.Bold = true;
xStyleTgt.ParagraphFormat.Indentation.RightIndent += 72;
// Add a paragraph with that style:
var textTgt = $"This paragraph in the target document " +
$"is associated with a custom paragraph style named \"{styleName}\". " +
$"That style specifies the font to be blue and bold, and the whole paragraph " +
$"is indented by 1\" on the right.";
doc.Body.Paragraphs.Add(textTgt, doc.Styles[styleName]);
// The source DOCX, we will copy from it to the target document keeping formatting:
var docSrc = new GcWordDocument();
// Add a style with the same name to the source:
var xStyleSrc = docSrc.Styles.Add(styleName, StyleType.Paragraph);
xStyleSrc.Font.Color.RGB = Color.Red;
xStyleSrc.Font.Italic = true;
xStyleSrc.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
xStyleSrc.ParagraphFormat.Indentation.LeftIndent += 72;
// Add a paragraph with the style, this paragraph will be copied to target:
var textSrc = "This paragraph is copied from the source to the target DOCX. " +
$"In the source DOCX, this paragraph was associated with a custom style also named \"{styleName}\". " +
$"That style specifies the font to be red and italic, the whole paragraph is right-aligned " +
$"and indented 1\" from the left. " +
$"Due to a conflict with the same-named but different style in the target document " +
$"its name is changed to \"{styleName}1\".";
var paraSrc = docSrc.Body.Paragraphs.Add(textSrc, docSrc.Styles[styleName]);
// Copy paragraph from source to target using FormattingCopyStrategy.KeepSource:
paraSrc.GetRange().CopyTo(doc.Body, InsertLocation.End, FormattingCopyStrategy.KeepSource);
// Done:
return doc;