// This code is part of Document Solutions for Word demos.
// Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using GrapeCity.Documents.Word;
namespace DsWordWeb.Demos
// This sample demonstrates how to add comments to parts of document.
// When exporting a document with comments to PDF, by default comments
// are also exported. This behavior can be changed using the
// PdfConversionOptions parameter in SaveAsPdf method.
public class Comments
public GcWordDocument CreateDocx()
var user1 = "Jaime Smith"; // user name for comments' author
var user2 = "Jane Donahue"; // user name for comments' author
var doc = new GcWordDocument();
var pars = doc.Body.Paragraphs;
var p1 = pars.Add("Paragraph 1: This is a paragraph of text with a comment added to the whole paragraph. ");
var c1 = p1.GetRange().Comments.Add("Comment added to paragraph 1.", user1, Util.TimeNow(), "J.S.");
var c2 = c1.Reply("Reply to comment 1.", user2);
var c3 = c2.Reply("Reply to comment 2, closing the thread.", user1);
c3.Done = true;
var p2 = pars.Add("Paragraph 2: This is another paragraph of text, with a comment added to 3rd run. ");
p2.GetRange().Runs.Add("This is run 2 of paragraph 2. ");
var r = p2.GetRange().Runs.Add("This is run 3 of paragraph 2 with a comment. ");
r.GetRange().Comments.Insert("Comment on run 3 of paragraph 2", user2, RangeLocation.Whole);
p2.GetRange().Runs.Add("This is run 4 of paragraph 2. ");
p2.GetRange().Runs.Add("This is run 5 of paragraph 2. ");
p2.GetRange().Runs.Add("This is run 6 of paragraph 2. ");
// Done:
return doc;