'' 完毕:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Drawing
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.AcroForms
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Text
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Common
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing
Imports GCTEXT = GrapeCity.Documents.Text
Imports GCDRAW = GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing

'' 该示例生成一个表示时间表的 PDF AcroForm。
'' 相同的代码用于在TimeSheet用例示例中生成时间表。
Public Class TimeSheetForm
    '' 字体集合来保存我们需要的字体:
    Private _fc As FontCollection = New FontCollection()
    '' 展平文档时用于呈现输入字段的文本布局:
    Private _inputTl As TextLayout = New TextLayout(72)
    '' 用于输入字段的文本格式:
    Private _inputFont As GCTEXT.Font = FontCollection.SystemFonts.FindFamilyName("Segoe UI", True)
    Private _inputFontSize As Single = 12
    '' 输入字段边距:
    Private _inputMargin As Single = 5
    '' 员工签名空间:
    Private _empSignRect As RectangleF
    '' 徽标(我们应该在保存文档后处理它):
    Private _logo As GCDRAW.Image

    '' 该示例的主要入口点:
    Function CreatePDF(ByVal stream As Stream) As Integer
        '' 使用我们需要的字体设置字体集合:
        _fc.RegisterDirectory(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts"))
        '' 在输入字段的文本布局上设置该字体集合
        '' (我们还将在我们将使用的所有文本布局上设置它):
        _inputTl.FontCollection = _fc
        '' 设置输入字段的布局和格式:
        _inputTl.ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center
        '' 创建时间表输入表单
        '' (在现实生活中,我们可能只会创建一次,
        '' 然后重新使用 PDF 表单):
        Dim doc = MakeTimeSheetForm()
        '' 保存 PDF:
        '' 文档中使用的图像只能在保存 PDF 后处理:
        '' 完毕:
        Return doc.Pages.Count
    End Function

    '' 数据字段名称:
    Private Structure _Names
        Shared ReadOnly Dows As String() = {
            "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"
        Const EmpName = "empName"
        Const EmpTitle = "empTitle"
        Const EmpNum = "empNum"
        Const EmpStatus = "empStatus"
        Const EmpDep = "empDep"
        Const EmpSuper = "empSuper"
        Shared ReadOnly DtNames = New Dictionary(Of String, String()) From {
            {"Sun", New String() {"dtSun", "tSunStart", "tSunEnd", "tSunReg", "tSunOvr", "tSunTotal"}},
            {"Mon", New String() {"dtMon", "tMonStart", "tMonEnd", "tMonReg", "tMonOvr", "tMonTotal"}},
            {"Tue", New String() {"dtTue", "tTueStart", "tTueEnd", "tTueReg", "tTueOvr", "tTueTotal"}},
            {"Wed", New String() {"dtWed", "tWedStart", "tWedEnd", "tWedReg", "tWedOvr", "tWedTotal"}},
            {"Thu", New String() {"dtThu", "tThuStart", "tThuEnd", "tThuReg", "tThuOvr", "tThuTotal"}},
            {"Fri", New String() {"dtFri", "tFriStart", "tFriEnd", "tFriReg", "tFriOvr", "tFriTotal"}},
            {"Sat", New String() {"dtSat", "tSatStart", "tSatEnd", "tSatReg", "tSatOvr", "tSatTotal"}}
        Const TotalReg = "totReg"
        Const TotalOvr = "totOvr"
        Const TotalHours = "totHours"
        Const EmpSign = "empSign"
        Const EmpSignDate = "empSignDate"
        Const SupSign = "supSign"
        Const SupSignDate = "supSignDate"
    End Structure

    '' 创建考勤表表单:
    Private Function MakeTimeSheetForm() As GcPdfDocument

        Const marginH = 72.0F, marginV = 48.0F
        Dim doc = New GcPdfDocument()
        Dim page = doc.NewPage()
        Dim g = page.Graphics
        Dim ip = New PointF(marginH, marginV)

        Dim tl = New TextLayout(g.Resolution) With {.FontCollection = _fc}

        tl.Append("TIME SHEET", New TextFormat() With {.FontName = "Segoe UI", .FontSize = 18})
        g.DrawTextLayout(tl, ip)
        ip.Y += tl.ContentHeight + 15

        _logo = GCDRAW.Image.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "ImagesBis", "AcmeLogo-vertical-250px.png"))
        Dim s = New SizeF(250.0F * 0.75F, 64.0F * 0.75F)
        g.DrawImage(_logo, New RectangleF(ip, s), Nothing, ImageAlign.Default)
        ip.Y += s.Height + 5

        tl.Append("Where Business meets Technology",
            New TextFormat() With {.FontName = "Segoe UI", .FontItalic = True, .FontSize = 10})
        g.DrawTextLayout(tl, ip)
        ip.Y += tl.ContentHeight + 15

        tl.Append($"1901, Halford Avenue,{vbCrLf}Santa Clara, California – 95051-2553,{vbCrLf}United States",
            New TextFormat() With {.FontName = "Segoe UI", .FontSize = 9})
        tl.MaxWidth = page.Size.Width - marginH * 2
        tl.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Trailing
        g.DrawTextLayout(tl, ip)
        ip.Y += tl.ContentHeight + 25

        Dim pen = New GCDRAW.Pen(Color.Gray, 0.5F)

        Dim colw = (page.Size.Width - marginH * 2) / 2
        Dim fields1 = DrawTable(ip,
            New Single() {colw, colw},
            New Single() {30, 30, 30},
            g, pen)

        Dim tf = New TextFormat() With {.FontName = "Segoe UI", .FontSize = 9}
        With tl
            .ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center
            .TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Leading
            .MarginLeft = 4
            .MarginRight = 4
            .MarginTop = 4
            .MarginBottom = 4
        End With
        '' t_ - 标题
        '' b_ - 范围
        '' f_ - 字段名称,null表示没有字段
        Dim drawField As Action(Of String, RectangleF, String) =
            Sub(t_, b_, f_)
                Dim tWidth As Single
                If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(t_) Then
                    tl.MaxHeight = b_.Height
                    tl.MaxWidth = b_.Width
                    tl.Append(t_, tf)
                    g.DrawTextLayout(tl, b_.Location)
                    tWidth = tl.ContentRectangle.Right
                    tWidth = 0
                End If
                If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(f_) Then
                    Dim fld = New TextField() With {.Name = f_}
                    fld.Widget.Page = page
                    fld.Widget.Rect = New RectangleF(
                    b_.X + tWidth + _inputMargin, b_.Y + _inputMargin,
                    b_.Width - tWidth - _inputMargin * 2, b_.Height - _inputMargin * 2)
                    fld.Widget.DefaultAppearance.Font = _inputFont
                    fld.Widget.DefaultAppearance.FontSize = _inputFontSize
                    fld.Widget.Border.Color = Color.LightSlateGray
                    fld.Widget.Border.Width = 0.5F
                End If
            End Sub

        drawField("EMPLOYEE NAME: ", fields1(0, 0), _Names.EmpName)
        drawField("TITLE: ", fields1(1, 0), _Names.EmpTitle)
        drawField("EMPLOYEE NUMBER: ", fields1(0, 1), _Names.EmpNum)
        drawField("STATUS: ", fields1(1, 1), _Names.EmpStatus)
        drawField("DEPARTMENT: ", fields1(0, 2), _Names.EmpDep)
        drawField("SUPERVISOR: ", fields1(1, 2), _Names.EmpSuper)

        ip.Y = fields1(0, 2).Bottom

        Dim col0 = 100.0F
        colw = (page.Size.Width - marginH * 2 - col0) / 5
        Dim rowh = 25.0F
        Dim fields2 = DrawTable(ip,
                New Single() {col0, colw, colw, colw, colw, colw},
                New Single() {50, rowh, rowh, rowh, rowh, rowh, rowh, rowh, rowh},
                g, pen)

        tl.ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Far
        drawField("DATE", fields2(0, 0), Nothing)
        drawField("START TIME", fields2(1, 0), Nothing)
        drawField("END TIME", fields2(2, 0), Nothing)
        drawField("REGULAR HOURS", fields2(3, 0), Nothing)
        drawField("OVERTIME HOURS", fields2(4, 0), Nothing)
        tf.FontBold = True
        drawField("TOTAL HOURS", fields2(5, 0), Nothing)
        tf.FontBold = False
        tl.ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center
        tf.ForeColor = Color.Gray
        For i = 0 To 6
            drawField(_Names.Dows(i), fields2(0, i + 1), _Names.DtNames(_Names.Dows(i))(0))
        '' 垂直对齐日期字段(补偿不同的 DOW 宽度):
        Dim dowFields = doc.AcroForm.Fields.TakeLast(7)
        Dim minW = dowFields.Min(Function(f_) CType(f_, TextField).Widget.Rect.Width)
                Dim r_ = CType(f_, TextField).Widget.Rect
                r_.Offset(r_.Width - minW, 0)
                r_.Width = minW
                CType(f_, TextField).Widget.Rect = r_
            End Sub

        tf.ForeColor = Color.Black
        For row = 1 To 7
            For col = 1 To 5
                drawField(Nothing, fields2(col, row), _Names.DtNames(_Names.Dows(row - 1))(col))

        tf.FontBold = True
        drawField("WEEKLY TOTALS", fields2(0, 8), Nothing)
        tf.FontBold = False

        drawField(Nothing, fields2(3, 8), _Names.TotalReg)
        drawField(Nothing, fields2(4, 8), _Names.TotalOvr)
        drawField(Nothing, fields2(5, 8), _Names.TotalHours)

        ip.Y = fields2(0, 8).Bottom

        col0 = 72 * 4
        colw = page.Size.Width - marginH * 2 - col0
        Dim fields3 = DrawTable(ip,
            New Single() {col0, colw},
            New Single() {rowh + 10, rowh, rowh},
            g, pen)

        drawField("EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: ", fields3(0, 1), Nothing)
        Dim r = fields3(0, 1)
        _empSignRect = New RectangleF(r.X + r.Width / 2, r.Y, r.Width / 2 - _inputMargin * 2, r.Height)
        Dim sfEmp = New SignatureField()
        sfEmp.Name = _Names.EmpSign
        sfEmp.Widget.Rect = New RectangleF(r.X + r.Width / 2, r.Y + _inputMargin, r.Width / 2 - _inputMargin * 2, r.Height - _inputMargin * 2)
        sfEmp.Widget.Page = page
        sfEmp.Widget.BackColor = Color.LightSeaGreen
        drawField("DATE: ", fields3(1, 1), _Names.EmpSignDate)

        drawField("SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE: ", fields3(0, 2), Nothing)
        r = fields3(0, 2)
        Dim sfSup = New SignatureField()
        sfSup.Name = _Names.SupSign
        sfSup.Widget.Rect = New RectangleF(r.X + r.Width / 2, r.Y + _inputMargin, r.Width / 2 - _inputMargin * 2, r.Height - _inputMargin * 2)
        sfSup.Widget.Page = page
        sfSup.Widget.BackColor = Color.LightYellow
        drawField("DATE: ", fields3(1, 2), _Names.SupSignDate)

        '' 完毕:
        Return doc
    End Function

    '' 简单的表格绘制方法。返回表格单元格矩形数组。
    Private Function DrawTable(ByVal loc As PointF, ByVal widths As Single(), ByVal heights As Single(), ByVal g As GcGraphics, ByVal p As GCDRAW.Pen) As RectangleF(,)
        If widths.Length = 0 OrElse heights.Length = 0 Then
            Throw New Exception("Table must have some columns and rows.")
        End If
        Dim cells(widths.Length, heights.Length) As RectangleF
        Dim r = New RectangleF(loc, New SizeF(widths.Sum(), heights.Sum()))
        '' 绘制左边框(第一个除外):
        Dim x = loc.X
        For i = 0 To widths.Length - 1
            For j = 0 To heights.Length - 1
                cells(i, j).X = x
                cells(i, j).Width = widths(i)
            If (i > 0) Then
                g.DrawLine(x, r.Top, x, r.Bottom, p)
            End If
            x += widths(i)
        '' 绘制顶部边框(第一个除外):
        Dim y = loc.Y
        For j = 0 To heights.Length - 1
            For i = 0 To widths.Length - 1
                cells(i, j).Y = y
                cells(i, j).Height = heights(j)
            If (j > 0) Then
                g.DrawLine(r.Left, y, r.Right, y, p)
            End If
            y += heights(j)
        '' 绘制外边框:
        g.DrawRectangle(r, p)
        '' 完毕:
        Return cells
    End Function
End Class