'' 完毕:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Text
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Text
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Common
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Structure
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.MarkedContent
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Graphics
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Annotations
Imports GCTEXT = GrapeCity.Documents.Text
Imports GCDRAW = GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing
'' 此示例演示如何创建符合 PDF/A-3u 标准的文档。
Public Class PdfA
Sub CreatePDF(ByVal stream As Stream)
Dim doc = New GcPdfDocument()
Dim thedate = New DateTime(1961, 4, 12, 6, 7, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)
'' 将文档标记为符合 PDF/A-3u 标准:
doc.ConformanceLevel = PdfAConformanceLevel.PdfA3u
Dim fnt = GCTEXT.Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "arial.ttf"))
Dim gap = 36
'' PDF/A-3a 要求对所有内容进行标记,因此在渲染时创建并填充 StructElement:
Dim sePart = New StructElement("Part")
Dim tl As TextLayout = Nothing
'' 添加 3 个页面,其中包含根据 PDF/A 规则标记的示例内容:
For pageNo = 1 To 3
'' 添加页面
Dim Page = doc.Pages.Add()
Dim g = Page.Graphics
Dim y = 72.0F
If doc.Pages.Count = 1 Then
'' 创建段落元素:
Dim seParagraph = New StructElement("P") With {.DefaultPage = Page}
'' 将其添加到 Part 元素:
tl = g.CreateTextLayout()
tl.MarginAll = 72
tl.MaxWidth = Page.Size.Width
tl.DefaultFormat.Font = fnt
tl.DefaultFormat.FontBold = True
tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize = 20
tl.Append("PDF/A-3A 文档")
'' PerformLayout 在新的 TextLayout 中或在 Clear() 之后自动完成:
'' tl.PerformLayout(true);
'' 在标记内容中绘制 TextLayout:
g.BeginMarkedContent(New TagMcid("P", 0))
g.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty)
y = tl.ContentRectangle.Bottom + gap
seParagraph.ContentItems.Add(New McidContentItemLink(0))
End If
'' 添加一些根据 PDF/A 规则标记的示例段落:
For i = 1 To 3
'' 创建段落元素:
Dim seParagraph = New StructElement("P") With {.DefaultPage = Page}
'' 将其添加到 Part 元素:
Dim sb = New StringBuilder()
sb.Append(String.Format("第 {1} 页第 {0} 段:", i, pageNo))
sb.Append(Util.LoremIpsum(1, 2, 4, 5, 10))
Dim para = sb.ToString()
tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize = 14
tl.DefaultFormat.FontBold = False
tl.MarginTop = y
'' 在标记内容中绘制 TextLayout:
g.BeginMarkedContent(New TagMcid("P", i))
g.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty)
y += tl.ContentHeight + gap
'' 将内容项添加到段落 StructElement:
seParagraph.ContentItems.Add(New McidContentItemLink(i))
'' PDF/A-3 允许您将文件嵌入到文档中,但它们应该与某些文档元素相关联
'' 添加与 seParagraph 关联的嵌入文件:
Dim ef1 = EmbeddedFileStream.FromBytes(doc, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(para))
'' 如果是 PDF/A,则应指定 ModificationDate 和 MimeType:
ef1.ModificationDate = thedate
ef1.MimeType = "text/plain"
Dim fn = String.Format("页{0}_段落{1}.txt", pageNo, i)
Dim fs1 = FileSpecification.FromEmbeddedStream(fn, ef1)
'' 如果是 PDF/A,则应指定关系:
fs1.Relationship = AFRelationship.Unspecified
doc.EmbeddedFiles.Add(fn, fs1)
'' PDF/A-3允许在PDF文件中绘制透明度,添加一些:
Dim gpage = doc.Pages(0).Graphics
gpage.FillRectangle(New RectangleF(20, 20, 200, 200), Color.FromArgb(40, Color.Red))
'' PDF/A-3允许您使用FormXObjects,添加一个具有透明度的:
Dim r = New RectangleF(0, 0, 144, 72)
Dim fxo = New FormXObject(doc, r)
Dim gfxo = fxo.Graphics
gfxo.FillRectangle(r, Color.FromArgb(40, Color.Violet))
Dim tf = New TextFormat() With
.Font = fnt,
.FontSize = 16,
.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Black)
gfxo.DrawString("FormXObject", tf, r, TextAlignment.Center, ParagraphAlignment.Center)
gfxo.DrawRectangle(r, Color.Blue, 3)
gpage.DrawForm(fxo, New RectangleF(300, 250, r.Width, r.Height), Nothing, ImageAlign.ScaleImage)
'' PDF/A-3 允许您使用嵌入文件,但每个嵌入文件必须与文档的元素关联:
Dim ef = EmbeddedFileStream.FromFile(doc, Path.Combine("Resources", "WordDocs", "ProcurementLetter.docx"))
'' 应为 PDF/A 中的 EmbeddedFile 指定 ModificationDate 和 MimeType:
ef.ModificationDate = thedate
ef.MimeType = "application/msword"
Dim fs = FileSpecification.FromEmbeddedFile(ef)
fs.Relationship = AFRelationship.Unspecified
doc.EmbeddedFiles.Add("ProcurementLetter.docx", fs)
'' 将嵌入文件与文档关联:
'' 添加与注释关联的附件:
Dim sa = New StampAnnotation() With
.UserName = "密涅瓦",
.Font = fnt,
.Rect = New RectangleF(300, 36, 220, 72)
sa.Flags = sa.Flags And AnnotationFlags.Print
'' 使用 FormXObject 来表示图章注释:
Dim stampFxo = New FormXObject(doc, New RectangleF(PointF.Empty, sa.Rect.Size))
Dim gstampFxo = stampFxo.Graphics
gstampFxo.FillRectangle(stampFxo.Bounds, Color.FromArgb(40, Color.Green))
gstampFxo.DrawString("与 minerva.jpg 相关的图章注释" + vbLf, tf, stampFxo.Bounds, TextAlignment.Center, ParagraphAlignment.Center)
gstampFxo.DrawRectangle(stampFxo.Bounds, Color.Green, 3)
sa.AppearanceStreams.Normal.Default = stampFxo
ef = EmbeddedFileStream.FromFile(doc, Path.Combine("Resources", "Images", "minerva.jpg"))
ef.ModificationDate = thedate
ef.MimeType = "image/jpeg"
fs = FileSpecification.FromEmbeddedFile(ef)
fs.Relationship = AFRelationship.Unspecified
doc.EmbeddedFiles.Add("minerva.jpg", fs)
'' 将文档标记为符合标记 PDF 约定(PDF/A 必需):
doc.MarkInfo.Marked = True
'' 对于 PDF/A 文档,Metadata.CreatorTool 和 DocumentInfo.Creator 应该相同:
doc.Metadata.CreatorTool = doc.DocumentInfo.Creator
'' 应为 PDF/A 文档指定标题:
doc.Metadata.Title = "GcDocs.PDF 文档"
doc.ViewerPreferences.DisplayDocTitle = True
'' 完毕:
End Sub
End Class