FlexChart | ComponentOne
WPF FlexChart / Understanding FlexChart / FlexChart Fundamentals / Series

    Series are the groupings of the related points of data inside the Plot Area of the chart. 

    The following image illustrates data series in FlexChart:


    You can access the series collection in FlexChart by using the Series property. And you can control the chart series by using the Series Class object comprising the following properties:

    Property Description
    ActualBinding Gets the actual binding
    ActualBindingX Gets the actual X-binding
    ActualChart Gets the actual chart.
    ActualItemsSource Gets the actual items source.
    AxisX Sets the series X-axis.
    AxisY Sets the series Y-axis.
    Binding Sets the name of the property that contains Y values for the series.
    BindingX Sets the name of the property that contains X values for the series.
    ChartType Sets the series chart type.
    ItemsSource Sets the collection of objects containing the series data.
    MemberPaths Sets the array of member bindings for the series.
    SeriesName Sets the series name.
    Style Sets the style of the series.
    SymbolMarker Sets the shape of the marker to be used for each data point in the series. This property applies to Scatter, LineSymbols, and SplineSymbols chart types only.
    SymbolSize Sets the size (in pixels) of the symbols used to render the series. This property also applies to Scatter, LineSymbols, and SplineSymbols chart types only.
    Visibility Sets the series visibility.

    For more information on series, refer to FlexChart series.