FlexChart | ComponentOne
C1.WPF.FlexChart.4.6.2 程序集 / C1.WPF.Chart 命名空间 / ErrorBar 类
字段 属性 方法 事件

    ErrorBar 类 成员


    公共 构造函数
    Public 构造函数  
    公共 字段
    Public 字段static (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the CustomMinusErrorValue dependency property.  
    Public 字段static (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the CustomPlusErrorValue dependency property.  
    Public 字段static (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the Direction dependency property.  
    Public 字段static (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the EndStyle dependency property.  
    Public 字段static (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the EndStyle dependency property.  
    Public 字段static (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the ErrorBarStyle dependency property.  
    Public 字段static (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the ErrorValue dependency property.  
    公共 属性
    Public 属性Gets or sets the alternative series style. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the series x-axis. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the series y-axis. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the name of the property that contains Y values for the series. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the name of the property that contains X values for the series. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the series chart type. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets a value that specifies the cumstom minus error value.  
    Public 属性Gets or sets a value that specifies the custom plus error value.  
    Public 属性Gets or sets the series data label. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性 (从System.Windows.DependencyObject继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets a value that specifies the direction of the error.  
    Public 属性 (从System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets a value that specifies the end style of the series.  
    Public 属性Gets or sets a value that specifies the error amount of the series.  
    Public 属性Gets the style of the error bar.  
    Public 属性Gets or sets a value that specifies the error value of the series.  
    Public 属性Gets or sets a value indicating whether the series is visible for hit testing methods. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性 (从System.Windows.DependencyObject继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the collection of objects that contains the series data. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the name of the legend group for the series. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the series display name. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the group index for series, only effect in bar and column chart type. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the series style. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the shape of marker to use for each data point in the series. Applies to Scatter, LineSymbols, and SplineSymbols chart types. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the size(in pixels) of the symbols used to render this Series. Applies to Scatter, LineSymbols, and SplineSymbols chart types. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the series symbol style. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the tooltip template string for the series. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 属性Gets or sets the series visibility. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    保护 属性
    Protected 属性Gets the actual binding. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Protected 属性Gets the actual x-binding. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Protected 属性Gets the chart. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Protected 属性Gets the actual items source. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Protected 属性重写.   
    Protected 属性Gets the array of member bindings for the series. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    公共 方法
    Public 方法重载.  (从System.Windows.DependencyObject继承)
    Public 方法 (从System.Windows.DependencyObject继承)
    Public 方法Disposes resources. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 方法 (从System.Windows.DependencyObject继承)
    Public 方法 (从System.Windows.DependencyObject继承)
    Public 方法 (从System.Windows.DependencyObject继承)
    Public 方法Gets the point data array for the specified coordinate dimension. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 方法Performs hit testing for the series. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 方法 (从System.Windows.DependencyObject继承)
    Public 方法 (从System.Windows.DependencyObject继承)
    Public 方法 (从System.Windows.DependencyObject继承)
    Public 方法重载.  (从System.Windows.DependencyObject继承)
    Public 方法Returns the string that represents the current series. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    保护 方法
    Protected 方法Gets actual chart type. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Protected 方法重写.   
    Protected 方法Gets data item by its index. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Protected 方法重写.   
    Protected 方法Invalidates the chart. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Protected 方法Invoked when items source changes. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Protected 方法 (从System.Windows.DependencyObject继承)
    Protected 方法Called after series was rendered. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Protected 方法Called when series is rendering. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Protected 方法重写.   
    Protected 方法Called when symbol is rendering. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Protected 方法重写.   
    公共 事件
    Public 事件Fires after rendering symbol. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)
    Public 事件Fires before rendering symbol. (从C1.WPF.Chart.Series继承)